
Showing posts from May, 2010

Do you really want the Pro to become Air-ish just yet ?

i've been 6 months air-only user (both 11/13) , 13" pro i've been thinking it.. while surely lost portability (in fact "special" portability) somehow happy pro right now. happy fans don't run crazy every , then, happy more "deep" keyboard , above all, think missed feeling of having "real machine", similar feeling when you're holding build phone , not super ultra slim one. no means i'm ditching air now, convinced wonderful machine, don't think it's ready yet become pro or vice-versa. heating issues still there, doesn't run toaster it's still increasing bit when pro doesn't. i'm not comparing air pro. point not sure if pro ready yet powerful , slim machine in same time without worries.. @ 13" 2011 pro , 15" running significally hot (indeed lot more compared 2010 model). odd, don't know you, in digital-download era, music stores still sell cds, magazines st

New Mac Mini for photo-editing..?

i need little here on decision buy new mac mini or not. lot of photo editing - professionally - , have been using macbook pro on external monitor retouching , grading... recently, i've become tired of carrying mbp me office every day - , thinking of getting secondary computer, , leave there. imac no me b/c of glossy screen; mac pro pricy , overkill needs. dont want buy mbp; leaves me mac mini. sounds ideal, i've never used 1 before, , have no frame of reference it. know new ones have benchmarked well. mac mini enough photo work?? thinking of getting "cheaper" version , maxing out on ram 8 gb. figure gfx-card in bigger model usefull 3d-gaming , stuff, , wont make difference in photoshop-work? appreciated...   i think quad core technically better choice photoshop work if use lot of complicated plugins or lot of stitching or hdr stuff, etc. in similar situation , feel same re:

Searching tweak: Lock to certain carriers?

hi guys! i've been lurker on mr forums years , years, , i've appreciated received on various topics - on jailbreak issues! need help. i'm searching jailbreak tweak allow me choose networks, want allow idevice connect - more 1 network, can choose stay connected to. reason travel between 2 countries, , if idevice switches networks, bill rocket sky high! , it's more frustrating check right networks bunch of times day. there cydia tweak allow me choose networks connect list? or similar? on jailbroken iphone 3gs (awaiting iphone 4gs/5), ios 4.3.3 (and own ipad 2 same issue). appreciated. cheers. - bjoern, denmark...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Com

Which macbook is best for me?

i saving new macbook pro dont know 1 buy. use laptop have to: surf web, watch videos, bit of gaming, music , few other little things. should choose? 13" or 15", i5 or i7, 4gb or 8gb ram? please help,   13" i5 mbp. ram can upgraded afterwards. upgrading ram in macbooks , macbook pros ​   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Problem reinstalling SL from Lion

i can't seem able reinstall snow leopard onto macbook pro, keeps coming error. can please   attached files: wq.jpg file size: 140.3 kb views: 34 i haven't got option delete hard drive   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

First Time MBP Buyer

hey everyone. in market new laptop , looking first mac. using hp dv6000 i've had 4 years , on it's last leg (broken hinge, hardware problems, etc.). can't justify investing money fix it. anyways, want macbook pro (air doesn't interest me optical drive important me). however, undecided specs need. using school (including essays, research, etc.), music, television show streaming, , movies. maybe light gaming. base model of mbp (13 inch) appropriate me? also, recommend care plan can add on through apple?   base 13" should more suffice. long not going gaming lot base model plenty.   Forums Macs Buying Tips and Advice iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Pro

MBA Power Supply Size

hey guys, apple store doesn't provide me specs of 45w power supply dimensions anywhere , either can't google or i'm searching wrong thing. i'm trying decide on laptop bag purchase need make sure power supply fit, know smaller macbook pro power supply have looking exact dimensions. able measure mba power supply or know of can find such info? in advance.   for 13" air, 2.5x2.5x1.2 inches block -- cords take bit of space   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Audible books -- transfer to MP3 player via Macbook Pro?

hi, i've been using audible books many years pc. don't use ipod because lot of backpacking , need able use aaa batteries, use little creative muvo instead. few days ago bought new book , tried download audible download manager mac. there isn't one, though, , says files go straight itunes. problem can't find way transfer audible file non-mac mp3 player. itunes doesn't see creative, , copying/pasting via downloads folder in finder doesn't work mp3 player can't see transferred file. assume that's copyright protection. when downloaded file pc netbook instead, , transferred way, there no problem. rang audible ask missing, because seems incredible me assume mac computer users using ipod. however, seems have no solution. couldn't give me way audible file(s) onto non-mac mp3 player macbook pro. assistant spoke told me she'd never heard of issue before, find incredible. can't audible user mac laptop doesn't use

Lion usb bootable problem

hi guys, kind of need help. i've searched google making usb bootable lion,, osxdaily, etc. followed , complete making of usb no error. strange thing happens after boot, in of articles, after booting usb flash, have menu. in case, there's no menu displayed. after booting usb, goes on installing , showed error (try reinstalling). i've used 2 different type of usb flash disk. i'm using macbookpro 2011 idea me?   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

when is 10.7.1 expected to arrive?

any word blog sites yet on 10.7.1? 10.7.0 buggy indeed , need more stable version.   it's day 2. don't think we'll see 10.7.1 release until next month @ earliest. no problems 10.7.0 here. @ point in time, blogs word on release date guesses.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

MacTheRipper doesn't work anymore... alternative program?

hello, rip dvds onto mac, mactheripper doesn't work anymore, says it's power pc application or something. i'm not expert on sort of stuff, don't know it's talking about! there can it, or need find new software job? recommendations anyone? thanks! ps: loving lion far!   never mind, handbrake doesn't rip dvds. edit: apparently rip them... i'm confused   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Itunes freezing on Windows Vista help

my itunes has been freezing starts 2 mins once programme open. can't sync takes ages, freezes. have uninstalled 20 times..what else can fix it?   Forums Macs Windows, Linux & Others on the Mac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Make Lion restore disk w/out installer?

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (ipod; u; cpu iphone os 4_2_1 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8c148 safari/6533.18.5) has figured out how create restore disk of lion without using installer app store? im buying imac when lion comes out, , great able this. perhaps finding way install backup partition on disk.   i'd assume if cloned recovery partition external disk boot that.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Console help

i bought new imac. migrated data 2007 mbp. unistalled bunch of apps, including xcode , power pc stuff ready lion. while not seeing perfomance issue, bored , decided see going on in console. concerend defaults domain issue , system pref errors. can tell me causing these or how fix?   attached files: image001.png file size: 180.2 kb views: 112 image002.jpg file size: 339.1 kb views: 71 image003.png file size: 78.2 kb views: 68 image004.jpg file size: 132.9 kb views: 68

UK Trip - PAYG sim recommendation

just ordered gevey ultra sim , sim cutter trip uk in august. can recommend payg network 3g internet, mobile calls , texts? came across 'three - payg' , 30 days unlimited data, 300 mins, 3000 texts 15 gbp. seems little true - work fine cut down sim in iphone 4? p.s. uk payg sims have smaller printed circuit board ease of cutting (i botched few practice sims using scissors hence why bought cutter)? ** updated ** cancelled sim cutter order networks provide micro sim. summary of best networks: vodafone: 300 min, 3000 texts, 500mb web £20 three: 300 min, 3000 texts, unlimited web £15 giffgaff (uses o2 network) 250 min, unlimited texts, unlimited web £10 / £15 400 mins / £20 800 mins can't believe how cheap , competitive payg has become in uk. replied.   lmd75 said: ↑ just ordered gevey ultra sim , sim cutter trip uk in august

missing button help

i have website created in dreamweaver cs5 here: there missing button on top right between portrait , personal. yet when open index.html file on computer works fine. ive tried re uploading files couple times still same result. appreciated. doesn't show up. guessing problem.   Forums Special Interests Web Design and Development iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Downloads cancelled halfway

hi all, wanna know if make download bittorrent , cancels halfway cause taking way long, there files in mac the(e.g 15% downloaded)? or there won't leftovers once hit cancel download button.   the answer entirely dependent on client you're using. leave partially downloaded file behind in whatever folder chose save (which can delete); others remove partial download you; still others let choose method want.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Opporunity to create free iCloud account on activating iPad 2 on 4.3.3 Firmware?

i helping setup brand new ipad 2 4.3.3 stock firmware. when plugged in device first time, itunes asked me if wanted create free apple account/id, followed if wanted install find ipad app. had never seen options before when activated other idevices. @ time, chose "no" skip options. later, when person whom helping changed mind , wanted free apple account/id, tried restore ipad 2 factory default reactivate device again. however, itunes did not ask same options again. tried delete , reinstall itunes , ipad 2, still unable itunes offer signups. can help? did miss opportunity sign free mobileme id upcoming icloud service?   you can go mail settings , setup account there too. ability create apple id (using existing e-mail address) purpose of setting find iphone. account create isn't mobileme/icloud account in traditional sense you're thinking about.  

My Itunes Music....!?

so wondering find itunes music? actual file. reason ask because use various songs have after effects project i'm working on. can't seem figure out hell music stored.   right-click on song in itunes , select "show in finder"   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Macbook Pro 17 pricing?

apple selling 17"-inch 2.2 ghz macbook pro £2,099.00 , offering £1,874.43 (with express delivery)... pay £225 more same product?   .....really   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Type of install and presence of bugs poll

hello wondering something. if have installed mac os x 10.7 lion gm seed, did clean install (i.e. on partitioned disc) or did integrate seed into/over/with existing partition mac os x 10.6.8 snow leopard. in addition experience bugs, , how many?   i did in-place upgrade fro os x 10.6.8 , got horrible finder bug finder windows disappear. yep. disappear. had clean install after that.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iMovie 06 HD + stillframe animation help

i've made video using 100 still frames. it's funny music video. problems come uploading youtube , have no idea why tried: video settings:mpeg-4/h.263/hdv-720p(25-60) audio: prepare video streaming:checked - fast start selected every codec used produces different timing once uploaded youtube, play in qt fine! hdv setting runs through , cuts off audio @ 54 seconds. 264 , mpeg delay, speed up, , alter timing of each image seemingly randomly. please help.   maybe can try open video in quicktime , export movie .mov file. quicktime.   Forums Special Interests Digital Video iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Profess

Steam Errors and Problems. HELP!

i have been having loads of errors , other issues steam. when try play l4d2 says: "this content unavailable, please try again in few minutes." error says: "steam servers busy , task not completed." when launch l4d2, loading screen, crashes , brings me desktop. has been going fine until now. other issues were: "this game not launched because there fragmentation on idisk." know long , complicated problem(s). when download , stops somewhere along way , remains "suspended". have tried un-installing , re-installing steam no luck. have tried doing same thing games, again, no luck there either. please try me this. thanks.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop

Home icon for Safari on iPad

where it? how set start page browser? imported safari imac bookmarks in, worked swell.   you can navigate web site choose , save bookmark home screen , move anywhere on home screen want. when touch bookmark launch safari , open web site. can have multiple such bookmarks.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

HELP! some youtube videos won't play on appletv

streaming iphone 4. can see video start load; indicator stays @ 0:0. if switch iphone output instead of appletv, works fine. videos work fine; don't. ideas????   bigshot82 said: ↑ streaming iphone 4. can see video start load; indicator stays @ 0:0. if switch iphone output instead of appletv, works fine. videos work fine; don't. ideas???? click expand... take back atv2 pile of parp ! im on 2nd , going back sorry dull tone, ive had appletv   Forums Apple TV Apple TV and Home Theater iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Help--"No Service" on 3G

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5) apologize if has been asked. i'm doing on iphone , don't have internet access. have original ipad 3g + wi-fi. activate 3g service every , then. when i'm not paying data plan, ipad still shows bars of coverage. couple of weeks ago, noticed showing no bars , said "no service." though i'm in area strong coverage. when tried activate 3g service last night, can't access network. again, don't have wi-fi am, i've been able activate before same location. i've tried reset settings, powered on , off, done hard reset, nothing. when reset network, momentarily show 1 bar of coverage, go away before can connect internet. have idea of problem or can try next? i'm stuck iphone internet next couple of weeks, isn't going cut it. thanks. tom

Post A Picture Of Your Last Purchase XVIII

continued here . changed thread title reflect it's picture thread. hope no 1 minds. recent purchase $50 deposit new tattoo hope have done next week.   surely said: ↑ continued here . changed thread title reflect it's picture thread. hope no 1 minds. recent purchase $50 deposit new tattoo hope have done next week. image click expand... i've been playing fable iii , when fight, play chant goes "mmmmmm dreidel" , makes me think of you. creepy? hope so. ...and forum nazis, comment relevant post keep thread.. last purchase this: in anticipation of new map pack black ops. have 780 points, costs 1200 , have points left in account, went 1600.   Forums Mac Community Picture Gallery

Best way to manage Post Paid Account

hey guys, activated post paid account looking figure how manage it. here questions 1. app or feature on ipad keep track of usage? 2. best way keep data active until end of 30 days set account cancel @ end of 30 days automatically.   1. myat&t app show ipad phone # , data usage.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

To the fans of Star Wars =)

samual takes tumble. (i.e mace windu) great   ...why?   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

WiFi Calls Using UMA?

i have virtually no att cell signal in office (where i'm @ day) , wondering if it's possible make wifi calls.   i haven't seen service at&t or option in iphone enable wifi calling. there may methods through jailbreaking thought don't jb don't know. maybe skype app runs calls through wifi? or maybe other app might that. else chime in help.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

11" MBA for eyeTV?

hi, i'm waiting mba refresh, wonder did has experience running eyetv on current 11" mba? wonder how's performance on it. info on appreciated! thanks!   rayyu882 said: ↑ hi, i'm waiting mba refresh, wonder did has experience running eyetv on current 11" mba? wonder how's performance on it. info on appreciated! thanks! click expand... i run on mine, don't run directly stream mac mini plugged roof aerial @ home signal quality better. find little aerial bit hit , miss on laptop dependant on location. long have wifi or 3g great.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCl


hi, i've managed mupen64plus running on macbook, , connected ps3 controller on bluetooth use mupen. mupen seems have auto configuration ps3 controller, buttons appear mapped correctly. there problem, reason controller seen being connected port 2, games mario kart can navigate menus, @ character selection bit can't go further! idea why controller showing controller 2? thanks.   how able mario kart running on macbook? did have change settings? of games on mupen64plus got--notably super mario bros, mario kart, , donkey kong--are lagging extreme amount , flashing. tried getting different roms have same issue , i'm thinking might because of settings? mario kart me bad. freezes past sections of game , can barely see , it's flashing. of course, they're pretty terrible, , have trouble game when others don't seem to. appreciated!  

So..... Firefox 4 is 64bit and chrome is...

hey guys, im sitting here , have both chrome 12 , firefox 4 , notice on 2011 imac, firefox has better scrolling effect, in smoothness of scrolling, faster, wondering , checked activity monitor, so.. firefox 4 runs in 64bit! fired chrome 12 , know, runs in 32bit! think explains why little sluggish compared firefox when scrolling( little jerky on websites). actualy website loading speeds great. firefox has different problem though think related flash, video tears time time when watching videos on sites use flash youtube, hulu, doesnt happen in chrome or safari so.. know, explains why scrolling in chrome wasnt best guess while in firefox smooooooth butter   lamonsas said: ↑ think explains why little sluggish compared firefox click expand... no. 64bit support not result in user-perceptible performance differences.  

Are these stats odd in any way?

i upgraded lion when came out , since find battery low , computer burning , spinning. looking @ stats here can tell if it's in head or not?   attached files: screen-capture.png file size: 58.3 kb views: 120 i fire activity monitor. there process might have gone awry.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 5 Works Just Fine On iPhone 3GS

reports coming out ios 5 beta works fine on 3gs, relief since couple of weeks ago rumored 3gs wouldn't work @ all . according apple (emphasis added): quote ios 5 available free software update iphone 4, iphone 3gs, ipad 2, ipad, ipod touch (fourth generation) , ipod touch (third generation) fall. features may not available on products. click expand... unfortunately, apple doesn't spell out what, exactly, won't work on slower iphone 3gs , third generation ipod touch. research 9to5mac , banolka on youtube gives ideas, @ least in beta. know works: - notification center - twitter integration - newsstand , periodical store - grid lines , exposure/brightness settings in camera app - reading list in safari , doesn't (but it's short list, far): - image editing (red eye, cropping, magic wand) - reader missing (but there disagreement if hasn't been implemented yet) so, looks 3gs users

Graphics Card Differences iMac

i'm looking @ reburb imac ati radeon hd 5750 or new imac amd radeon hd 6770m . have sense of how difference video editing programs premiere or (speculate) new final cut pro x , video encoding tasks? know traditionally these have been largely cpu dependent, hd 6770m says supports h264 on card (and editing in h264 canon 5d). advice/thoughts appreciated.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iDevices to car radios

we have iphone 3gs, iphone 4, ipad 2, , ipod classic, '97 toyota 4runner , '95 toyota camry. have stock radios option jvc sx-990 accepts jvc ks-u57 adapter, , option sony xplod cdx-mp40 has optional xa-c30 adapter. affordable cable(s) able charge , play audio idevices either radios? hardwire through of radios , have 1 apple dock connector hanging out idevices.   i wouldn't buy sony if car audio involved. used make decent stuff, quality has gone downhill on years. if comes down 2 choices i'd go jvc, alpine head units or pretty else. .02   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Musi

Mo’ Memory iPhone game released

hi all, apple approved , released new game: mo’ memory ! more information check out website here: based on leaderboard scores people give after playing level 1 not sign. maybe looks need unlock full version unlock higher levels. has few fans though give try please, , play way level 6 real fun begins. in addition ai opponent can played against remote players through game center well. oh , it’s free.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone 4 no beep when recording video

for whatever reason phone not making "beep" when hit record when shooting video. double checked sound not muted , volume up. speaker works when playing music , video. phone not jailbroken , running os 4.3.3 don't know if apple did in 4.3.3 or other glitch. thoughts? else having issue?   my iphone 4 gives "recording started"-sound. if big deal you, try restoring , setting new. remember save can saved; contacts, pictures, apps, music   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wir

Green Screen Idea - Would This Work?

so i'm kinda noob when comes chroma keying, i'll admit. i've never had money green screen have never done it. software wise know process , have software that's no problem. is, finding make green screen out of. so, had thought today. during youtube show friend vlogging across room in front of 42" tv. going leave screen blank had idea when looked @ it. why not hook tv computer, put pure green image on screen , green screen behind him? want know before bother filming things is, think work? it's not usual green screen tactic , i'm iffy on if work has ever tried? also, point out not think matter. it's lcd tv , he'll recording 720p off phone resolution maybe not great quality. --aces   by means should work, maybe not though, since light source. i've used blue blankets, blue t shirts, green tablecloths, etc. however, tv may cause problems said, du

Forgot Android Lock ON Ipod

my old lock combination not working on ipod touch need way delete it. tried using option immediantly encountered problem using ifunbox. needed , appreciated!   do have sbsettings? if so, try boot in safe mode. that'll bypass android lock.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPod touch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

using Airport Express to connect to pc with ethernet

i hope works. picked new imac, , want give our vista desktop daughter in room. not have wireless capabilities, have wireless network through our wireless modem use ds, ps3, , ipad. fellow @ best buy told me best thing make our original vista pc connect wirelessly through apple airport express. if understand right following work: plug airport express outlet in room, , connect ethernet cable pc connection on express. hope it's simple running disc came express, , find wireless network connection use connect express? want keep basic , simple possible, , i'm hoping best solution. info on this....   it's called client mode. wireless router work well.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch N

Upgrading iMac 21,5'' Ram, Some doubts

specification's of mac: wanted upgrade 4 total gb ram 8 total gb ram, because 4gb video editing slow me. looking @ ram cards mac when remembered portable pc didn't use ram there. excited idea confused because maybe ram cards old. dont' have idea abut ram's, apple asks these specifications: , these 2 cards 1 of 1gb , 2gb see cards ddr2 no ddr3, put them in? thats hope guys can me ​   looking @ modules 667mhz imac 1067mhz in speed. spare ram have slow keep imac, doubt recognise them if check or have memory checker checks system , gives part numbers guaranteed work. should tell memory have in dimm sockets. hope helps.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac

SSD high pitch noise?

i got bought 4-month old mbp apple's stock 128gb ssd. time time notice high pitch sound coming machine. past computers attribute sound hdd heads. ssds noiseless or can make noises during periods of heavy operation? noticed sound when doing clean install of lion example. thanks.   ssd = 0 noise   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless


i used frostwire download music on pc. there safe alternative application download music on mbp? frostwire shut down apparently, thought didn't pcs lifespan anyway.   torrent? may shorten lifespan.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

HELP - Wifi "Connection Timeout" on new MBA with Lion

i bought new macbook air, 13" 1.8ghz lion preinstalled (latest model) our local apple store. cannot mba wifi connect wireless n router (netgear wndr3700) @ 5ghz (dual band). using wpa2-psk (aes). when try join, "connection timeout". other facts consider.... mba connects fine 2.4ghz part of router using wep no problem. mba connects wireless access point @ 2.4ghz using wep fine. have 1 month old 15" macbook pro, upgraded sl lion. connects fine 2.4ghz , 5.0ghz wireless routher. both before , after upgrading lion osx. have several windows pcs connect 5ghz fine. have done lot of searching on problem, cant find solution. again, 15" mb pro (with lion) works fine , has. before , after upgrade of osx. of course, have tried standard stuff. rebooting mba, wireless router. changed wep , wpa keys, latest fireware, etc. suggestions? greg   me too!

2010 MBA 13 vs 2011 MBA 11?

hi guys! @ local bestbuy other day , saw october 2010 mba 13 base $999 brand new, (config. 1.86 ghz, 2gb ram, 128gb ssd), same refurbs @ apple, except brand new , come in brand new retail box (more resale value?) anyway, puts 13' 2010 mba @ decent value, having higher clocked processor (which main upgrade 2011 11' mba), bigger screen, , decent screen resolution 13 incher. also, sd card slot , gt 320m. don't have worry toshiba vs samsung ssd issue. , ssd twice size on base 2011 11' mba. however, 2011 11' mba has got thunderbolt, backlit keyboard, , newer generation of cpu. , it's $950. have been using laptop without backlit keyboard past year , didn't miss feature. don't think having thunderbolt on mba gonna much... guess comes down performance of new i5 clocked @ 1.6ghz vs. c2d clocked @ 1.86ghz. although c2d technically higher clocked, i'm wondering if issues such fsb , power consumption going tip scale in

No SIM With Gevey SIM.

hello, i'm using gevey sim pro 4 months already, , arrived home today work , noticed iphone shows no sim. tried doing restart, taking out , inserting still shows no sim, if take gevey sim outside , puts regular sim in it, shows invaild sim, when gevey sim inside shows no sim, has had before , got solution this? need phone work fast possible. thank much!   itiim said: ↑ -you have eject insert gevey , sim -turn on off airplane mode -you can see 1 signal or searching if not see or sim not installed mean have change new gevey click expand... yeah guess gevey sim got burned. tried wrote above. sucks cause started working , i'm in real need of cell phone , gotta wait till new gevey arrive...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Intermittent Wifi-Problems after Lion

hey! upgraded lion , wifi has been intermittently stalling , dropping. i'm not sure if hardware or software problem, used sl week or before updating. have of had problem? ideas on how fix it? have: reset passwords/reset route deleted/re-added network trashed systemprefs folder (heard help) tried changing dns -however problem not happening solely in safari. sure entirety of wifi dropping because adium , mail cease function well. idea?   blingdar said: ↑ hey! upgraded lion , wifi has been intermittently stalling , dropping. i'm not sure if hardware or software problem, used sl week or before updating. have of had problem? ideas on how fix it? have: reset passwords/reset route deleted/re-added network trashed systemprefs folder (heard help) tried changing dns -however problem not happening solely in safari. sure entirety of

strange boot and login

since upgrading lion have strange bootup , login: white apple -> looks screen saver -> touch mouse or keyboard -> blank screen -> enter password + enter -> i'm logged in. video: have screen saver set "never" suggestions?   xtrem said: ↑ since upgrading lion have strange bootup , login: white apple -> looks screen saver -> touch mouse or keyboard -> blank screen -> enter password + enter -> i'm logged in. video: have screen saver set "never" suggestions? click expand... i have exact same issue in lion 10.7.2. glad bought up. fixes or update? strange thing is, have replaced hard drive apple care hard drive failing. after fresh lion installed , restored image, problem happened again. wife's 2010 mbp doesn't have same issue though have same setup , applications.  

Dumb mail question

hi, latest mail in lion, how possible search results include senders e-mail address? example, if search "john" (looking mails john sent me) results show "message contains 'john'" , nothing mail addresses have "john" in them. maybe can't see wood forest.......   when type john, dropdown list should appear names under section called "people." want click on, show "from" search paramater in search bar.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple