Downgrading from 4.3.5 in order to unlock
hello, iphone 3gs went crazy , had no choice restore (several freezes, unable slide lock when incoming phone call, loooong time boot, etc ... ) in 4.3.5 , jailbroke using redsnow cydia says shsh ios 4.1 , 4.2.1+ , 4.2b3 , 4.3.5 saved. can downgrade in order able unlock ? ios version ? how ? downloaded ipsw files 4.3.2 , 4.2.1 , 4.1 . if downgrade possible, jailbreak untethered 1 ? thank you can downgrade firmware have shsh saved for. either need change host files (there's ton of guides on that) or easiest way download tinyumbrella. allow downgrade firmware. 4.3.3 , below untethered. if have old baseband 3gs firmware versions untethered including 4.3.5. however, can not downgrade baseband. way you'll able unlock installing ipad baseband. cause lose gps functionality. Forums ...