Disable window zoom, swoosh and eye candy effects and animations

dear god , dear people.

hope either of listening. i'm going start question: why don't ninja's wear concrete shoes? answer, because compromise there ninja speed. enough said.

know if there way disable superflous special effects in lion? i'm not sure smoking @ infinite loop, it's getting pretty silly.

i'd edit/remove speed of these effects:

- slo-mo window scaling when going full screen view
- rubber band bounce effect, when scroll top of page in safari
- window zoom effect when going mission control
- puff of smoke effect when removing items doc , sidebars
- other special effect slows ui down , might removable
- don't me started on bad 90's background hatch texture (which i've removed)

there used commands use in terminal disable window effects in snow leopard, there must equivalent in lion?

i'm aware these come ios, , it's part of apple's strategy, yada yada... use mac work done , i'd rather not spend time waiting whiz bang smoke , mirror effects finish while i'm doing ninja business.

guidance appreciated.

no ones forcing upgrade. stick snow leopard.

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