First time MBP/OSX user have a couple silly Qs

hello made switch , have brand new 13 inch core i5 mbp 128gb ssd.

when used windows going task manager , closing tasks didn't need optimizing boot sequence , such. i'm wondering if need same mbp - i'd rather not anally retentive small stuff wondering see performance slow downs having widgets on dashboard plus dropbox , pandora running, browser few tabs, moom, etc etc?

when boot , shut down notice 2 seconds of sky blue screen - normal?

lastly know belongs in applications please let me ask here: everytime save picture off internet iphoto account...iphoto pops major pain because saving 10 pictures online album , every picture saved, iphoto popped up. anyway save iphoto without popping up?


from listed, shouldn't have problem slow downs, mbp capable machine, since added ssd.

blue screen normal when shutting down, booting up, have grey screen. barely have laptop shut down unless know won't using more 24 hours, putting sleep faster.

, don't use iphoto saving pictures off internet dunno how answer last question, sorry!

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