Can't get MBP to boot

i having problems getting mbp boot. have tried bunch of posts on site different similar issues nothing seems work. taking apple not can trying resolve myself.

have taken apart , checked inside looks ok. checked ram make sure original apple ram removed 1 @ time , tried them in different slots. had ram borrowed working machine , didn't make difference. reset many times.

happens @ boot can hear fans kick on , led comes on , not flashing or anything. sits there nothing on screen. think if computer booting , screen not working hitting caps lock make light come on. or eject disk work. power button comes on. caps lock doesn't light. put in original disk try boot hear disk spin nothing happens.

unsure issue is. if screen related wouldn't boot caps lock work? appreciated in advance!

it sort of logic board failure. umbrella term "i have no idea $700 part fix it."

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