UIWebView redraw after gesture handling

i struggling problem long time, grateful if told me helpful that. bascially, have uiview 3 uiwebviews inside. 1 webview visible: image :

and! want change these webviews, loaded consecutive pages, animation. when made gesture left, webviews moving towards left, , 1 on far left should return initial position on right. maybe image make clear:

after return position near right should loaded next page in array.

where's problem?
when make gesture on uiview (this area dots) - webviews loading fine. when click neighbour dot, webviews animating , loaded right website. ok.
making gesture inside webview. animation done, starting load new websites, but... in our example - after animation, , loading, going right again, see website4. webview having website1, after being loaded website4 (webviewdidfinishload) showing old content! (so it's showing page1, having page4. not always, sometimes... )
when touch it, , scroll little down it's showing right content (???). tried setneedsdisplay on this, triggering hidden = yes/no, without effects.

when reloading webview after sending load request it's showing white,empty area , need scroll down , few times make things better.

should do? connected multi threading, animation, wrong gesture used? should show other parts of code? ideas... here's code:

  -(void) initgestures {      uiswipegesturerecognizer *swiperight = [[uiswipegesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self action:@selector(handlepangesture:)];      swiperight.direction = uiswipegesturerecognizerdirectionright;     // swiperight.numberoftouchesrequired = 2;       swiperight.delegate = self;      [self.mainwidgetwithdotsview addgesturerecognizer:swiperight];        uiswipegesturerecognizer *swipeleft = [[uiswipegesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self action:@selector(handlepangesture:)];      swipeleft.direction = uiswipegesturerecognizerdirectionleft;     // swipeleft.numberoftouchesrequired = 2;       swipeleft.delegate = self;      [self.mainwidgetwithdotsview addgesturerecognizer:swipeleft];  }    - (void)slidetocurrentpage  {        int page = slider.currentpage;      nslog(@"slide current page");      //int page = dots.currentpage;      int trigger = 1; // forward       if (page < mainwidgetmanager.currentpane )           trigger = -1; // backward      mainwidgetmanager.currentpane = page;         float leftw = leftwebview.layer.position.x;       float centerw = webview.layer.position.x;      float rightw = rightwebview.layer.position.x;          [uiview animatewithduration:animation_duration                            delay:0                          options: uiviewanimationoptioncurveeaseout                       animations:^{ cgrect rc = mainwidgetview.frame;                           float w = rc.size.width;                           float h = rc.size.height;                           switch (page)                           {                               default:                                   leftwebview.layer.position = cgpointmake(leftw-(trigger)*w, h/2);                                   webview.layer.position = cgpointmake(centerw-(trigger)*w, h/2);                                   rightwebview.layer.position = cgpointmake(rightw-(trigger)*w, h/2);                                   break;                               }                       }                       completion:^(bool finished){ [self swipeend:finished direction:trigger]; }];        }    -(void) swipeend:(bool)finished direction:(int)dir  {        (int = 0 ; < 3 ; i++ )      {          if (positionofwebviews[i] == center)          {              contents[i] =  currentpane;          }            if (positionofwebviews[i] == far_left && dir == 1)          {              nslog(@"manager: left goes right (from %d)", far_left);                  [self movewebview:mainwebviews[i] topos:near_right];                if (currentpane !=  widgetsloaded-1 && contents[i] != currentpane+1)              {                  //[mainwebviews[i] stoploading];                  contents[i] = currentpane+1;                    nslog(@"manager: , it's loaded %d",currentpane+1);                  [self loadtowebview:mainwebviews[i] subwidget:currentpane+1];              }              }          else if ( positionofwebviews[i] == far_right && dir == -1)          {              nslog(@"right (%d) goes left", i);                [self movewebview:mainwebviews[i] topos:near_left];                  if (currentpane != 0 && contents[i] != currentpane -1)              {                    contents[i] = currentpane - 1;                         nslog(@"manager: , it's loaded %d",currentpane-1);                    [self loadtowebview:mainwebviews[i] subwidget:currentpane-1];                }          }          }      }    -(void)loadtowebview:(uiwebview *)wv subwidget:(int)i  {      subwidget *tmp = [history objectatindex:i];      nsstring *a = [nsstring stringwithstring:tmp.name];          [wv stoploading];        // [wv loadhtmlstring:a baseurl:nil];   <--- no difference          [wv loadrequest:[nsurlrequest requestwithurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:a]]];       // [wv reload];           }        - (ibaction)handlepangesture:(uiswipegesturerecognizer *)sender {          nslog(@"gesture");          if (sender.direction == uiswipegesturerecognizerdirectionleft) {            //[mainwidgetmanager getcenterwebview].userinteractionenabled = no;          nslog(@"left");            if (slider.currentpage != slider.numberofpages-1)           {                [slider setcurrentpage:slider.currentpage+1 animated:yes];                        [slider sendactionsforcontrolevents:uicontroleventvaluechanged];            }      }      else     if (sender.direction == uiswipegesturerecognizerdirectionright)      {         // [mainwidgetmanager getcenterwebview].userinteractionenabled = no;          nslog(@"right");          if (slider.currentpage > 0)           {                  [slider setcurrentpage:slider.currentpage-1 animated:yes];                  [slider sendactionsforcontrolevents:uicontroleventvaluechanged];            }      }      }    - (void)onpagechanged:(id)sender  {      if ( abs( slider.currentpage - mainwidgetmanager.currentpane ) > 1 )      {          nslog(@"long jump");          [self jumptopage:slider.currentpage];      }      else      {      if (mainwidgetmanager.currentpane != slider.currentpage)                  [self slidetocurrentpage:no dir:no];      }      }    

solution: using new uiwebview every time want load offscreen.

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