Review: SGP iPhone 4 Case Ultra Thin Matte Series | vs | White iPhone 4

company: sgp
model: ultra thin matte series
color: white
phone: iphone 4 - white

i've been careful case shopper. after reading on reviews, i've decided go sgp ultra thin cases.

1 of reason it's because thinness. though not thinnest case in world, however, it's thin enough , sturdy enough have decent protection without sacrificing aesthetic of phone.

function & form = win win situation

however, there 1 big concern: will fit white iphone 4?

after receiving new white iphone 4, no surprise, it's indeed thicker current black ip4. current case on ip4 (2 pieces case) wouldn't fight right (unknown case i'm using temporary). common sense, if 2 pieces case doesn't fit right, ultra thin snap on cases have lesser chance of fitting properly.

however, jason lee sgp helpful in sending me out sample test fit on iphone 4.

, here's unboxing:

***click on pictures larger pics***

very nice packaging:

[​img] [​img] [​img] [​img] [​img] [​img]


the case:


instruction brochure:


front screen protector - quality


logo protector - quality


mini lens hood - nice include these they're tiny smaller camera lens. decide not use these.


cleaning cloth


the phone:


installed pictures:

[​img] [​img] [​img] [​img] [​img]


surprise, case quality nice. has nice padding prevent scratch of ip4 glass. no sharp edges. fits nicely onto white iphone 4. snug fit, easy access ports , buttons, , compliment aesthetic of phone. it's iphone "facedown" friendly. though pictures taken iphone 4 camera, think pictures speak case quality itself.

score: 10/10 does. function & form

thanks: big goes out jason lee sgp prompt communication, fast shipping & packaging.

good review. nice looking case also. said tight going in no body decals fit wonder? case lift screen off table any? pics make might.

not asking drop phone.... how feel protection factor on accidental drops?

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