Most efficient way to see all windows in Lion

so introduction of mission control in lion, i've heard "all windows" expose no longer possible (such windows displays separately , none tiled on each other).

guess i'm sort of power user (or unorganized), have 25-30 windows open @ time (sometimes per space, reorganizing different spaces isn't feasible). because mission control separates windows application groups, have 7 or 8 windows per application (imagine bunch of research articles open in pdf viewer).

therefore, best way see windows in lion (so select between them). after activating mission control, how expand windows application? hover on windows , instantly expand, scroll up, etc?

unfortunately viewing application windows gone snow leopard. way , closest thing (although it's pretty poor) go mission control, hover on application want use "show desktop" gesture expand windows particular application (the gesture might different depending on setup you'll have gesture settings). thing option never see windows whole, brief parts , won't see windows opened, after x amount windows opened, mission control hide rest.

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