Replace 'New' SMS Tones

he there, i'm new wish hello all. info i've found on these forums has been more amazing in modding iphone 4 on ios 4.3.3.
can't seem find next query anywhere though hoping help. changed sms-recieved.caf tones along few more in folder . when go settings/sounds on phone have usual 6 tones above them, since jailbreak, have section called 'new'. know these stored on iphone , if can add folder more new tones come or have overwrite them did 'original' 6?

in advance , sorry long winded explanation

the "new" sms tones in same folder sms-received tones. instead of original 6 being named sms-received1-6, "new" tones named appear. spell or sherwood forest tones, you'll need spell.caf , sherwood forest.caf.

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