
Showing posts from August, 2015

Mac Mail Help!

long story short had issues changing internal hard drive 80gb 250gb on macbook. set not sync time machine whatever reason. reinstalled mac os x 10.5.8 leopard , have been adding documents need external hard drive. important thing need mail account set way (i use godaddy account...i know want change host our website (we changing too)! work email , need old emails. thought easy copying folders user/library/mail backup onto mac did not work. there step missing or something??? attached picture looks , current looks (they identical). thing can think of using snow leopard mail last time , because couldn't disk work using orginal leopard now... help!!   attached files: picture 1.png file size: 263.7 kb views: 72 try this. in mail select account in le

Cannot play PS2 emulator

hi, downloaded ps2 emulator mac using guide emulator loads ok when click load bios or load iso (i have original game @ home) receive error plugins opened successfully. getelfname: system.cnf not found; invalid cd image or no disc present. issuing ee/ir5900-32 recompiler reset [mem/structure cleanup] zzogl: using full shaders zzogl: initialization successful vtlb/mmap: block tracking reset... ir3000a resetting recompiler memory , structures running ps2 bios... opening plugins... plugins opened successfully. getelfname: system.cnf not found; invalid cd image or no disc present. zzogl: disabling mrt depth writing offset 0xea000000 invalid. legit sigsegv. aborting. line 2: 6170 bus error: 10 ./pcsx2 need download separate bios or what? running mba 2011 13 inches i5 4gig of ram   my guess is incompati

clone problem

hi everyone, bought new mbp had custom configurations , arrived lion installed. disappointed find out pro tools not compatible lion did research , thought might possible install snow leopard in separate partition. rang apple ask if install. told sales could. spoke technical support , said possibly could not guarantee work nor offer support. received instructions local music shop's mac expert disk have sl box set purchased upgrade tiger on older intel imac not install straight onto mpb install snow leopard on external hd, update 10.6.7 combo , clone onto separate partition on macbook pro. said has done many times customers , works fine. installed onto imation usb 2 hd , worked . booted on imac , booted no probs. partitioned mbp , cloned new partition using app 'super duper'. clone finished when try boot new partition grey screen apple. tried several times still nothing. can still boot mbp lion partition part of drive fine , noticed in finder u

Where to buy MBA 13 i7?

hello, want buy new mba 13.3 256gb i7. best lace buy online? found @ macmall 1614$. legit? did found cheaper? hope helps.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

"Alt + E" results in strange bug

i pressed [ alt + e ] make "é", instead, got weird stripe @ bottom of screen, behind dock, accent wanted put on "e" appearing in box. there red close button close weird stripe, if kind of "language bar" or whatever. here's screenshot: never happened before in snow leopard, , in lion first time happens. in facebook's comment thingy.   it bug think. got bar once too, hasn't happened again (and won't). there lot of bugs in lion. don't know why apple didn't delay release until @ least august.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Noteboo

Counter strike: Source cannot find any servers

hi installed css, when click refresh servers, doesn't' list any. internet servers try find. have forwarded port 27000->27039 both tcp , udp 1200. know wrong?   i have same issue , know well.   Forums Special Interests Mac and PC Games iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

MBP 13 inch 2010 7,1 Memory upgrade help

hi fokes, have mbp 13 inch 2010 7,1 4gb 1067 mhz (pc3-8500), 1x x25-m 80gb ssd , 1x x25-v 40 gb ssd. because lot of vm fusion , ram cheap hell days, want upgrade. since experience speed of ssd, want use fastest 8gb ram 1333 mhz (pc3-10600). question follow, can confirm stable macbook 8gb ram 1333 mhz (pc3-10600) same mbp have? other question, future memory upgrade decrease battery life?   search friend. yes, 1333 mhz ram work fine. i've done several times. have not seen decrease in battery life more ram.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork

Implementing Twitter-Like Main Screen

i'm making way ios development mac os(lion now) , need develop app main screen looks twitter mac client's 1 looking. so, got pretty basic questions couldn't find decisive answers too. (please address attached picture reference) 1. how design black side bar ? assume need nssplitview, left view suppose special control or regular nsview put nsbuttons above ? moreover, didn't see way set nsview's background color. (black in case) 2. in right view, same issue, controls should use ? upper view nstableheaderview, or nsview, below nstoolbar , below nstableview ? 3. how can put view in same line maximize/minimize button ? (in above picture, "timeline" , "rampage4real". gotta love rampage 4. app design wise, views in screen should talk same windowcontroller delegate ? should there different delegates maybe ? i'd appreciate help/tips. links sample code great well. looks kinda different ios development,

Issues with Lion and CS5. Anyone else?

just upgraded os lion on weekend. there seems annoying quirks. have double click in photoshop. won't register first click. have issue? know how can fix this? slowing down productivity here.   i didn't have issues. when "register", mean have click twice use tool?   Forums Special Interests Design and Graphics iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Turn Mission control Off

i lot of features in lion , thing hate mission control. there anyway of turning off , getting spaces back? don't think there didn't see harm asking   nope, no way of turning mission control off. old exposé gone. there still app exposé though.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Is it possible to globally enable clickthrough?

i've been using osx 6 months now. 1 of things continues drive me wall fact have click twice on things in inactive windows. except, in case of random buttons in random programs, clickthrough *does* work. know it's controversial topic , lot of people consider "correct" behavior don't accidentally click destructive button. understand that, me it's constant annoyance. when i'm working across multiple monitors , it's not obvious window active. soo, there way enable clickthrough across board can click on i'm looking at?   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Should I upgrade my MacBook Pro to Lion?

i've locked in imac on gift/curse do?   fooark said: ↑ i've locked in imac on gift/curse do? click expand... duh, go ahead , lock macbook pro   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Ordered My New iMac

i have owned ipad day 1 in canada first mac computer. have been computing since 1993 , used linux since 2003 decided take plunge wonderful world of macs. use ipad extensively wanted desktop such things genealogy , video editing compliment new sony hd camcorder. organization of pictures, videos, data , whatnot of prime consideration. 3 of adult children have purchased mac book pros little prodding dad , enjoying them immensely time dad enjoy wave too. integration between devices , simple automatic backup plus/plus. simplicity key. anyhow little hello forum. wayne ps: oh ya, order 27", 8ram, upgraded best graphics card, i7   welcome forum! returned apple after 21 years microsoft (i had apple ii c , apple ii gs in '80s.) purchased 22 inch imac in may , love it. next purchases iphone , mac book.   Forums

Buy now?

so must admit got 13 inch mba i7. im thinking canceling order.. main reason powerful enough?(web surfing, wow, photo editing, chat,vmware fustion) , can/should wait mbp refresh next year? if sell when mbp refresh ready?   scuba629 said: ↑ so must admit got 13 inch mba i7. im thinking canceling order.. main reason powerful enough?(web surfing, wow, photo editing, chat,vmware fustion) , can/should wait mbp refresh next year? if sell when mbp refresh ready? click expand... yeah man... computer rock that. don't need more air that... in fact, go without i7 upgrade if wanted to.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad

AirPort 5 GHz Network Questions

hello everyone, have airport extreme downstairs , upstairs. both new 5th generation models. i've noticed wireless time machine can bog down network bandwidth when i'm working on 2.4 ghz network i've been trying 5 ghz work in areas, patio. upstairs airport extreme extends network nicely patio, due brick wall, 5 ghz network runs @ 35–40%, , laptop consistently choose join 2.4 ghz network instead. have found no way extend configuration different names 2.4 ghz , 5 ghz networks (all can pick 1 , second airport extreme extend in 2 new flavors). have found no way tell laptop join 5 ghz network on 2.4 ghz network. seems join 5 ghz network when has strong signal, otherwise prefer 2.4 ghz network signal stronger. do: 1) create extended network named 2.4 ghz , 5 ghz networks can have laptop connect 5 ghz network when weaker. or... 2) find way have laptop prefer 5 ghz network @ wider signal range select @ weaker signals, or force opera

Silverlight Alternative?

is there alternative silverlight ? i'm running latest imac sl, , silverlight , safari taking massive amounts of memory compared other applications, ones converting video. can see in list have iflicks converting video import itunes , it's still taking small amount compared safari , silverlight. ​ there way can limit amount of memory silverlight uses or there replacement it? use watch netflix.   dagazagz said: ↑ is there alternative silverlight ? ... click expand... silverlight microsoft's alternative adobe's flash . proprietary software. there no opensource clone of silverlight . reports microsoft intends drop it, there may no motivation clone it. more point--do have or suspect problem silverlight ? appear freaking-out on fact silverlight consuming 8.6% of cpu. @ 8.6%, there no way can claim software hogging cpu. general propositi

Knot Quiz 2.0 Universal -- Free!

so think know bights bends, loops hitches? test knot knowledge , ropecraft app! don't know knots? that's ok! animated knots show how tie them , hints button tells knot used for. knot quiz version 2.0 what's new: - additional knots in both free version , in-app expansion pack. - open feint , game center integration leaderboards. - timed game play multipliers completion speed , knot difficulty. can download free app here: [app]knot quiz[/app] suggestions knots add game constructive criticism welcome. checking out. see on leaderboard! dave nynix development   knot quiz 2.1 released -- free knot quiz 2.1 has been released , available on itunes app store. new version includes: - new knot animations - more colored , textured knots - improved knot graphics app available free at:

Logic board issue, possibly?

sigh. macbook (my first mac ever, period) bought new in october '09. opted out of applecare, nothing under warranty more. in past 3 or 4 days, i've noticed photos looking negatives, have strange columns, weird little blocks of color, etc. thought browser issue, it's happened on chrome , firefox (however, if picture looking strange in 1 browser, when past url different browser, it's fine). here examples i've grabbed today: i'm not going pretend have ton of knowledge in area, google indicating logic board issue. however, brother-in-law thinks because it's not every image, it's more corrupted driver. however, he's pc guy he's taking guess. it's worth, i've done pram reset no results. has encountered this? i'm sick @ thought i'm going have buy new logic board. ugh.   is dumb question or 1 nobody has answer to? don't want

What Does FireVault Do

what firevault do?   let apple explain it:   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

i could use help with a stuck windowed game...

so downloaded cod: waw wanted windowed... game didnt have setting windowed mode saw people on youtube having theirs windowed how? looked , figured out can open console , code or whatever fullscreen_ 0 or something.. vid_restart.. froze laptop.. okay screw that... looked other ways.. , read can hold command-d while it's opening , give choice put in windowed. tried , screen went black , went desktop , showed cod running , hear there no window/ screen? it's it's windowed , it's transparent. that's not case.. wondering if me out. game worked fine before started trying windowed feel stupid haha. thanks.   Forums Special Interests Mac and PC Games iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod i

any recommendations for iPhone insurance in the UK?

my iphone 4 year old , have year go before can upgrade, if lose or break can't afford replace , thinking of insurance. have recommendations? i'd hear people have had claim, easy, did pay out? protect bubble seems have cheapest , best cover have read negative press claiming?   do have housing- or car-insurance? if so, can affordable all-risk-deal insurance company on iphone.   Forums Macs Buying Tips and Advice iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How will Ivy Bridge compare to Sandy Bridge

i'm thinking mba if new chipsize comes out first time next year want know comparisons. being smaller size how big of performance boost come this? , true out next year?   less sand, more ivy. that's how. i'm curious if ivy bridge "3d transistors" ready go @ launch , impact have. if are, i'd think ivy bridge might large step forward computers.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Status bar icons

1. there way change order of icons... move them around... 2. can wifi/airport icon changed numerical ? 3. how hide battery icon ?   you can drag them around holding command key... battery can hidden unchecking show battery status in menu bar under energy saver preferences   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Lion Is Just Around the Corner. Install articles.

"lion around corner" , many have questions concerning install , all. thought post link interested. anticipate have many threads , questions enter new os. imagine sticky might crop on forum @ point. still wish offer official dvd here diy _________________   Forums Macs Windows, Linux & Others on the Mac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Free AT&T MicroCell

just walked at&t , said service spotty , updates on towers or anything, , said we're giving comes at&t free microcell. got 1 me @ house , 1 brothers house. telling go 1 free , no monthly fee on these things either!!!   seriously? have been them on 10 years. called, told them signal sucks (in nicer words), , said "too bad". have been trying document drops , failed data connections since talking them. maybe need visit store directly.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New To Mac Any Pointers?

hello have been using mac os x snow leopard since march , wondering if guys had pointers on keeping "fresh" , in tip top form. using following apps keep up-to-date. onyx ( )-- use repair disk permissions whatever else does... wondering how should repair disk permissions because once day. snow leopard cache cleaner ( )-- use "deep cleaning" think , onyx same thing. wondering if pointless have them both? mackeeper ( )-- know isn't website contains 1 of versions of , have attached file make easy upgrade use latest version free. wondering if should shred using app or use secure trash? think save hdd space if shredded everything. smcfancontrol ( ) -- i'm using because mbp hot alot , use cool

iPad Keynote Voice Recoring

i bought keynote ipad, , dismay, realized not changes chalkboard font chalkduster, next best option (according them) , not chalkboard se, exact same font in original presentation on mac.. removes voice recordings!!! upset when realized that. there way can voice recording slides keynote (ipad)?? read somewhere notability works, need know more. thanks locahijabi   Forums Archive Archives of Old Posts iPad Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

2011 MBP comes with G-Force drive as stock?

hey guys, got 15" sandy bridge mbp (2.0 ghz), , had been researching on getting second hdd/ssd (via optibay) when realised something. mbp came 500gb seagate st9500325asg (5400.6) stock. g @ end of model number seems indicate it's g-force-equipped drive, according seagate's website. question 1: thought there incompatibilities sms , hdd's own shock-sensor? have these been solved? question 2: can't find place says if sms feature supported/enabled; remember being in system profiler>serial-ata, not more. using terminal check (with pmset) yields "sms 1" though. mean sms still exists? or report if hdd supports kind of movement sensing on own? question 3: sms stop drive installed on optical drive sata connector? thanks!   1. there were. don't know if there still are. of apple's stock hdds come built in sms, though, , apple computers still h

USPS Express mail international issues

hi, have of shipped using usps emi service lately? last thursday had 2 packages sent out 2 different locations in us. both arrived @ closest usps isc day after, on 11th. both shows through tracking having left on 11th aswell, 1 of packages have been delivered on time. (it's 3-5 day service). package did arrive sent out of los angeles isc. here's tracking info package did not: quote class: express mail international® status: international dispatch item left united states isc san francisco (usps) @ 8:46 on june 11, 2011. information, if available, updated periodically throughout day. please check again later. detailed results: international dispatch, june 11, 2011, 8:46 am, isc san francisco (usps) arrival electronic shipping info received, june 10, 2011 processed through sort facility, june 10, 2011, 4:51 pm, portland, or 97238 acceptance, june 10, 2011, 4:03 pm, clackamas, or 97015 click expand...

Would this graphics card be a nice pick for Crysis 2?

i'm returning pc scene after xbox got rrod. don't care if it's running @ full specs, @ least point has nice fps going, , nice graphics. pc specs following: intel core 2 quad q6600, clocked @ 2.40ghz 4 gbs of ram mainboard: basically, able support graphics card? if so, can run crysis 2 on decent settings? mean, price pretty damn good.   if have 6pin connector on power supply, ati 6850 or 6870 or nvidia 560ti little more. these appear best value-for-money atm if don't require top shelf performance. card barely run crysis @ low settings.   Forums Special Interests Mac and PC Games iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad

Thinking about changing Powerbook OS to ubuntu

so i've got old powerbook (7 years-ish) , ive upgraded os as can, still seems run slow , ram usage maxed out permanently, (1 gb of ram). dont want upgrade ram not worth spending money on it, , battery lasts 10 mins full charge anyway. dont use more web browsing, can tell poor old thing struggling. worth changing os ubuntu on machine try , run little bit quicker? im not sure if ubuntu runs on ppc machines, i'd read before doing it. else have experience of running single boot ubuntu powerbook?   ubuntu on ppc mac terrible! there huge lack of driver support , unbearably slow. not reccomend it. think tiger (10.4) best bet, along tenfourfox, fine browsing.   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch N

facetime not working - Lion DP4

hi mates, every time try sign in - error occurred. has success ft + lion dp4?   same problem :/   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Steve Jobs slammed MobileMe but it wasn't that bad

during worldwide developers conference steve jobs seemed hate on mobileme , pretty called failure. while not thinks said. mobileme user beginning can remember outages happened quite , email not pushing beginning. after time of trouble seemed great. can't remember last time there major problem. use mobileme , have loved it, great service , worth $149 year, have family pack. used heavily tons of different features. curious, else think mobileme of failure because don't think so.   agree you. find mobileme's sync services whole lot better google's..   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Comput

Any one get this week's Starbucks track to sync?

it appears me apple may not have license offer week's free track starbucks in cloud. redeemed code on iphone , downloaded song, when go mac or pc , check available downloads, it's not there. also, when go purchased music, doesn't show up, though of other free songs i've gotten starbucks show up... because of licensing issues, or whole automatic downloads function still not working in itunes? think tr   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iTunes Update Help

when click on " check updates" in itunes, response 10.2.2 current. clues why won't let me 10.3. pc version thanks.   itunes 10.3 public beta, have go manually download it.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Prison Mayhem HD by 99Games

devastated on discovering shameful truth family full of dangerous criminals responsible taking innocent lives, bluto's choice to follow righteous path against odds takes him prison. him ultimate prison guard in exciting time management game! manage wanted! take on deadly prisons in country , make them crime free! maintain order in prison , make sure rules followed. supervise behavior of thugs, drug dealers, burglars , various other inmates. use force search prison contraband , rid of them. let mayhem take over! manhunt on! can make sure no prisoners escape on your watch. when prisoners lose patience, they'll flee before know it. manage prisoners coming in alarming increase in crime rate , keep state safe. bluto reforms criminals , makes them turn on new leaf. prepare workplace hell! working in prison not everyone! muster courage your posting in all-catz-ratz , robbin island. upgrade prison the

MacMini-help with wifi question please

hello. after upgrading osx 10.5.8, time ago, restarted computer keyboard , mouse (wireless). don't remember why unplugged broadband, that's neither here nor there, still somehow able use internet. , way faster own connection. did reading, can't figure out software/hardware have allowed me use else's wifi. plugged in, still wonder it. not use else's wifi, read slows service down , connects our computers somehow. don't want in mine , imagine wouldn't want me in theirs. airport off. blue tooth on son can use ipod touch. bluetooth being on how happened? how set computer no 1 else can use internet? went in sharing , bluetooth on. turned off. mean son can't use ipod touch now? how device "address" , put in there can use it? please forgive ignorance. if there direct link "how to" on subject, happy that. thanks. 1 more thing, using wireless opens being able access device...correct? mac mini 10.5

WWDC '11 Live Updates?

any plans run live text , picture stream of wwdc keynote year?   engadget gonna @ spoiler-free thread?   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

what color looks best?

sony pcm m10 black or red?   black.   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Adding lyrics to song files from phone (iFile)?

i know can add lyrics songs right clicking songs in itunes, clicking "get info", , adding them in lyrics tab, there anywhere can add them within files on phone? i'm particularly looking location of place lyrics within ifile, way add them phone rather having add on computer , sync.   your asking adding songs torrents. discussing how , against macrumors rules. many of feel artiest deserves paid.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Finally Apple iPhone 4 Launched in India

the apple iphone 4 has reached indian shores ending year long wait.iphone apple products left isn’t on time ipad 2 , new line of mac have reached india. iphone 4 unlocked aircel , airtel , available in both black , white in india , price of both handsets same. both airtel , aircel still haven’t given price of these devices estimating above @ least 34,000inr (pretty high year old phone) , still there no confirmation if white iphone 4 or black 1 expecting see them both.   first post, huh?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Comput

Why 17 inch more expensive than 15 inch

i've asked myself quite time: why 17 inch mbp more expensive 15 inch… i've been searching in forum/internet etc found no real answer. when think myself 15 inch should more expensive since put same maximum specs in smaller space. making design of 15 inch more difficult. more expensive part in 17 inch display , costs alumium etc because of bigger size. (i guess 1 usb-port doesn't take $50 or so) difference between 13 , 15 inch logical, far better processors , graphics. have clear answer? in head says i'm overlooking simple fundamental.   the 17" mbp more expensive 15" because bigger, , therefore "better". how customers feel if 15" mbp started @ $1800 , 17" started @ $1700? baffled. why suvs more expensive sedans? well, part, because bigger , people willing pay more size. in fact, automobile manufacturers in trouble right because of lack of sales

Power Drain of Mouse Wireless Receiver?

i have logitech wireless mouse m305 , i'm wondering power drain of wireless receiver on new air. how juice pulling in order power usb peripheral? thanks.   jason.siegel said: ↑ how juice pulling in order power usb peripheral? click expand... next nothing. it's small, doubt measure it. have same receiver on computers.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

23 Inch Apple Cinema Display and Thunderbolt

hi there, hoping can me out. have new 15 inch macbook pro thunderbolt , hi res display. bought 23 inch apple cinema display, 1 of later models. have hooked up, know works. wasn't sharp thought might be. curious if need set in way. joe   did check system preferences, click display , highlighted resolution should 1920x1200? many need used screen size.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How to mail everyone in my inbox?

hi, possible email in inbox without duplicating if appear in inbox more once? want send out notification have changed email address has ever contacted me, not spam them 50 times if have emailed me 50 times. can't see work in rules. closest can able help?   sort address , go through list.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

ATI vs. nVidia Performance for similar spec'd cards, drivers?

does red team (ati) or green team (nvidia) have better drivers , performance under os x? mean gtx 285 prolly perform better (unless there's messed up, right?) ati mini, how fair against rival ati cards under os x? "team" offers better overall os x performance? seems though apple sticking ati forseeable future , offer ati options bto mac pros. apple still supporting nvidia ati gpu performance?   my anecdotal experience. have 2 mac pros. ordered both nvidia cards. both nvidia cards died, in both machines, within twelve months of purchase, think 1 card died after 3 months. swapped out nvidia , have run ati cards, , have 2 ati cards in each machine total of four. no problems them, been couple years without ati issues. before 2008 when used pcs, again had nvidia cards, regularly failed after couple years (tops).  

Rare Dent On MacBookPro Lid

yesterday discovered dent on macbookpro lid (see picture below). i'm not quite sure whether it's dent or not, anyway has annoyed me 24 hours , i'm mad now! diameter of shallow dent 4cm , noticeable me. want ask if void warranty, or can tell apple metal moved can replace me? thanks, royston   from light reflection on apple logo can acknowledge has been dented , surface not flat   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Transfering Large Files to New MBA =(

due lack of firewire port, can't find simple way directly transfer large files (80gb) directly mba imac. 1 approach have not tried yet direct lan connection using network cable. there way, without installing windows transfer directly via usb? other methods should consider?   don't have external hdd? using usb-ethernet adapter?   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Hot Corners

no question or riddle time. cool found out , i'm not sure how many people stumbled onto this. @ wallpaper/screensaver preferences page button (left bottom corner) called hot corners, allows set function/application each corner of screen, once found set 'show desktop' left upper corner, , mission control / launchpad bottom corners, allows apps off dock, easier way activate them. in case knew that, ignore message.   yup! not live without hotcorners! upper-left = launchpad lower-left = mission control lower-right = show desktop upper-right = nothing (to action nearby spotlight, etc)   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS &a

iPod touch Navigating XBMC on iPod touch (3G)

hi- jb ipod , having fun it. have installed xbmc , seems fine except can't navigate well. heard somewhere there's way of downloading modded confluence skin allows more comprehensive touchscreen navigability on ipod / ipad / iphone. have information can , how install it? in advance. may post on @ home theater forum if strike out here.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

HELP! Safari w/ClicktoFlash vs Chrome.

i watch lot of videos , listen streaming music flash must me. better? install flash , use clicktoflash safari or use chrome? also, flash best on air? 10.3 or 11.0, since 10.3 beta lion? ask because, had macbook air 2010 returned when kept getting kernel panics flash. have 2011 macbook air , kinda afraid install flash realize use lot , want it.   chrome has built-in flash. use flashblocker, equivalent of clicktoflash chrome. also, check out html5 beta on youtube:   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

OS X Lion's HiDPI what is it exactly?

i have little dilema. monitor 22", , nice resolution 1600x900. 1080p make things small, reading impossible. however, whenever have watch 1080p movie, change resolution, because tough watching @ 1600x900 ok, enjoy 100% quality. has 2 problems...first annoying change , forth. second, changes deskotp pciture, have reset it. able run 1600x900 enviroment, when lunching quicktime goes 1920x1080p. hidpi helps me in this?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Emailing link from a Turd(pc) to mac

hi had quick question, other day received email attachment link graphic design firm(probably created link on mac)the link went simple page 2 lines pic either of download movie types mov or wmv. forwarded email link sisters mac( all accounts latest generation lap top bells , whistles)she got the message said not link work or open file(i couldn't more info her)i thought email , these download links work on mac(i have pc , hate using but if link works on horrible computer sister lying me(not first time) or need link or file type sorry lame question(when mac never have ask dumb question again)   well if link forwarding between pc , mac shouldn't issue. make sure works on computer , maybe tell sister try open link different browser. should work on mac regardless of sent   Forums Macs

Mail keeps counting Trash and SPAM!

so annoying, apple didnt fix issue. mail app keeps counting spam , trash , puts little bubble gmail mail. know how fix this? cant stop syncing folders?   same problem. insanely annoying.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

crash recovery

previous version of os x not recover crash without buying hardware or purchasing server edition. still case lion? i'm searching on right , no luck. if you're interested why, computer remain on 77 days @ home while i'm deployed , remoting in bills , stuff...have way since our network recorded , events sold highest bidder. computer happens crash every , (1 crash=crashed duration) , can't until after 77 days up.   this happens, after 10 seconds of wonder has changed in feature in lion energy saver: "restart automatically if computer freezes."   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System