ATI vs. nVidia Performance for similar spec'd cards, drivers?

does red team (ati) or green team (nvidia) have better drivers , performance under os x? mean gtx 285 prolly perform better (unless there's messed up, right?) ati mini, how fair against rival ati cards under os x?

"team" offers better overall os x performance?

seems though apple sticking ati forseeable future , offer ati options bto mac pros.

apple still supporting nvidia ati gpu performance?

my anecdotal experience. have 2 mac pros. ordered both nvidia cards. both nvidia cards died, in both machines, within twelve months of purchase, think 1 card died after 3 months.

swapped out nvidia , have run ati cards, , have 2 ati cards in each machine total of four. no problems them, been couple years without ati issues.

before 2008 when used pcs, again had nvidia cards, regularly failed after couple years (tops).

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