wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5)
i'm looking current gen 11 or 13 inch air. plan on using gaming while on train work. being said, 2gb of ram enough? plan on playing games starcraft 2, dragon age, call of duty, etc. i'm okay low medium graphics setting on these games, play single player. have experiences share? money factor , i'd grab refurb, part, have 2gb models.
i wouldn't buy air without 4gb of ram full-stop. if want keep length of time really should @ 4gb. remember, in new airs ram not upgradeable later. think if 2gb enough in year or two?
new airs rumoured imminent (days/weeks), more refurbs of "old" air may appear then.
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