hi folks
i'm getting reminders of update when open iphoto, software update hangs 3/4 of way through initial scan.
i've initiated within iphoto , main dropdown same result.
migrated mac pro macbook pro, , had ilife '08 on it, whereas mbp has ilife 11. underlying issue?
have tried removing hd/library/preferences/com.apple.softwareupdate.plist, both , without restarting, , has not resolved issue.
removed user/library/preferences/com.apple.softwareupdate.plist.
interestingly, noticed hd .plist file regenerated, whereas user version not, after running software update. had restore file trash (i had not restarted machine @ point - perhaps have done it).
no longer have old ilife installed - ilife seems have been upgraded automatically during migration mp ilife 08 mbp ilife 11. mbp came ilife 11 , don't recall ever seeing ilife 08 on here after migrate. or if have long since deleted it.
did have huuuuuge headaches in beginning, , made mistake of migrating mp mbp after i'd been using mbp time. wound 2 accounts on mbp, in end proved easiest resolve reformatting , doing migrate @ first startup. however, iphoto library package i'm using comes first mbp user account created, before reformat , remigrate, perhaps there issues changed computer or account names... have no idea how investigate whether might issue.
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