holy house, if want define genre, fall somewhere under indie rock, americana, indie folk/rock, or alternative southern rock. if want give band comparisons (i hate doing this), i'd sound lot kind of hot, smoldering orgy of 1 night stand between morning jacket, band of horses, wilco, , mumford & sons (). singer, elliott cotten, draws song writing influences heavily avett brothers. elliott, , rest of 2 members, david & james velek (brothers) conway, arkansas. aka, middle of (believe me, live here, too). i'd think you'd never, ever ever ever expect hear middle of arkansas of places. we're hoping move nashville when can save enough money. first touring van, album, it's nashville.
entire album available stream, free. , can download album small price if you'd put on itunes or iphone whateva .
know it's post 'my friends band' on here, urge take chance , click on link , if anything, i'm looking feedback. i'd love download album (of course)..
but, want feedback.
i'm willing stake entire reputation on recording. it's taken on year , half raise enough money shows studio recording going, want share whole world.
if can't find time listen whole album, if had give few "highlights" (the album written whole, consecutive effort tells story), i'd have highlights (in rough order):
"hold on me"
"put arm around shoulder"
"i follow you"
, rocker, suggest 3 pieces
but, if have time 12 minute epic, if that's kind of thing (think explosions in sky's birth & death of day or great live version of today national), check out last song on album, in death. think that's peak , it's set closer live...but that's me anyways
please post feedback if can! time!!
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