after ages of trying figure out, managed jailbreak ipod touch on 4.3.5... did sole intention of getting pokemon. since jailbroke it, have managed install gpsphone. when tried install gba roms however, not download. did apt.123locker. o decided try using installous find some. once downloaded, seemed go perfectly, installous isn't showing on ipod. since jailbreak 4.3.5, have lost access settings, can't turn off wifi, or change brightness(i lot)
got sick of it, decided try , restore ipod, itunes can't find ipod give option restore.
can help! seems possible has gone wrong. cydia app give me settings? , how can installous? or pokemon roms, sole reason jailbroke thing in first place. don't want have restore it, if have to, how can that?
reading far, hope can
unfortunately aren't supposed installous since it's piracy , downloading paid apps free illegal. suggest paying apps.
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