HELP! I might have permanently damaged my headphone jack!

so play electric bass , got new amplifier. it's 60w , playing new knobs , jacks , stuff. came across few jacks things line out, speaker out, etc. did stupid. plugged 1 end of cable speaker out , put 1/4" 1/8" adapter on other side , plugged macbooks headphone jack. know, stupid, thought jack made play music out of amp. played 1 note , heard little tick macbook , shut off completely. pressed startup button , turned on normal working fine. speakers work fine when plug in headphones, hear audio 1 side (the right side if matters). i've tried other headphones same thing happens... guess electricity went jack overpowered , screwed up.
so... don't know do. spend lot of time listening music through headphones while i'm on computer. have '08 macbook , i'm pretty sure it's out of warranty. do? has ever happened else?

a malfunctioning headphone jack means replacing logic board- there no fix other replacing it. pay attention plug next time :-/

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