2011 MBP comes with G-Force drive as stock?

hey guys,

got 15" sandy bridge mbp (2.0 ghz), , had been researching on getting second hdd/ssd (via optibay) when realised something.

mbp came 500gb seagate st9500325asg (5400.6) stock. g @ end of model number seems indicate it's g-force-equipped drive, according seagate's website.

question 1: thought there incompatibilities sms , hdd's own shock-sensor? have these been solved?

question 2: can't find place says if sms feature supported/enabled; remember being in system profiler>serial-ata, not more. using terminal check (with pmset) yields "sms 1" though. mean sms still exists? or report if hdd supports kind of movement sensing on own?

question 3: sms stop drive installed on optical drive sata connector?


1. there were. don't know if there still are. of apple's stock hdds come built in sms, though, , apple computers still have sms on default

2. yes, still exists, , sms 1 indicates on , active. terminal reports on computer's built in sms.

3. no.

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