LOST 48 GB of hard dive space!! HELP!

ok set 48gb partition using bootcamp , realized not find windows install dvd.... tried delete windows partition using bootcamp assistant , have 200gb hard drive space instead of 248gb. tried using disk utility repair disk errors , i'm lost. if has solution me please help. not want lose 20% of hard drive forever. i'm running lion btw.

i commiserate since having number of issues thought due "learning curve" turning out not case. earlier today lost partition on backup hdd , later today got internal hdd partitioning corrupted.

problem os x uses guid partitioning scheme , windows has use mbr on mac. results in "hybrid" scheme has been observed rather unstable. stable solution let bootcamp assistant job , not interrupt or later third party tool change it. (i did latter :( ) hasten add paragon partition manager worked fine resizing - not try delete partition or have windows install dvd "repair". (i tried latter , changed whole partitioning scheme mbr corrupting os x installation)

thing found works rather reliably put in snow leopard install dvd , use time machine restore earlier backup.

not know how lion: still waiting on "free" upgrade (bought machine within qualifying period somehow still waiting after 2 weeks - have been in contact support , todate have gotten nowhere).

reading issues other windows users seem have make me rethink upgrading in hurry.


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