Wacom tablet advice please?

first of all, hope correct place post this, if not, please report moved.

looking @ getting wacom tablet use in creative design , advertising papers @ university (mainly using photoshop , illustrator). want basic pen model @ using keyboard shortcuts, don't need buttons on tablet itself. said, have few questions:

1) wacoms release schedule like? predictable apple, or releases come @ random?
2) think first-time tablet buyer should know?
3) has here bought tablet design , found difficult used to?

1) first 1 not sure. not seem release huge updates of devices consistently , seem rare begin with. tweak design tiny bit once year think. software patches dont come either.

first time advice... im sure have looked there 3 series: bamboo, intuos, , cintiq. youll have find write balance between feature want , how forgiving wallet is.

if havent used of them before, theres huge learning curve bamboo , intuos. have adjusted looking on screen , not looking down @ tablet. seasoned artists seem adjusted harder graphic designers focus more on design rather practice free form drawing techniques.

cintiq's best feature counter problem above. however, , im not sure if adjusted since havent touched 1 in while, there still space between lcd screen , glass drawing on. gets frustrating when pixels rendered dont line tip of pen. can adjusted preferences still not perfect.

going assume wont free form drawing since mentioned working on advertising papers @ university , work on creative design. if use everyday, say... intuos. come in varing sizes too. can fine bamboos though. bit small.

these things wish had known before got bamboo , cintiq. started frustrated learned of these little issues. still great tools regrettably still far paper , pencil... im sad...

luck! try find rich friends have these devices , test them out if possible. nothing worse being incredibly excited , finding out later there lot of adjustments have make.

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