Cannot Reinstall OS from disc - screen turns into blue/black zigzags

i've got bit of weird problem, i'm out of things try , fix with. i'm trying reinstall , erase 2007 macbookpro using it's original install disc, every time restart disc install, this:
if closely, can see install display behind it. able click on settings, can't read of them , screen problem remains same.

far have:
repaired & verified permissions
repaired & verified disc
started in safe mode
reset nvram , pram
cleaned disc
zeroed wiped files , zeroed them
deleted windows partition, zeroed

i'm absolutely lost might fix this. if have suggestions or ideas, appreciate help!!

i'm not sure if matters, did have nvidia graphics card replaced after fried because part of faulty batch.

so, mean had logic board replaced. well, might have gotten bad logic board. take in.

, why going through effort wipe , reload begin with?

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