Lacie d2 Quadra not waking up


searched found 3-year-old thread regarding wake/sleep problems. so, created new one, seeing it's lion related.
here's deal:
bought lacie d2 quadra usb 3.0 use via fw800 on mbp5.5(mid '09) timemachine. drive works fine , all, gets mounted, goes standby after while, awakes when accessed. but: if don't send mac sleep. once mac has slept while lacie won't power on it's own. finder , disk utility show mounted, it's not waking standby can't access it, unless power off , on.

tried , downloaded newest lacie desktop manager software (1.4.2) since it's few shortcuts mac utilities (energy saver, disk utility) , doesn't provide drivers apparently, deleted because didn't bring improvement , don't need 3rd party software polluting os x ;)
d2 quadra ac/dc power supplied, fw bus doesn't provide enough power wake drive standby?
other that, since wi-fi doesn't work either after mac slept, unless disabled , re-enabled again, possible lion has problems activating mbp's cards (wlan, fw800) itself?

suggestion welcome!

edit: tried smc-reset solve possible problems connection ports et cet. i'll let thread know how turned out.
edit2: didn't work. still not waking standby.

edit3: drive working when used via usb... goes standby , awakes 1 expect backup drive. it's firewire 800...

i came here same problem! ordered on b , h , when received did time machine , stuff. laptop had sleep , next morning when woke laptop drive didn't. it's plugged in firewire slot.

tried resetting both smc , pram no avail.

appreciated! if not promptly return $200 junk :mad:


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