Single click in Lion ... please !!

i windows pc user many (20+)years. i've since switched macs. 1 , only feature miss ability use single click open file or folder or run application system wide preference.

having used items on dock marginal in respect. it's not substitute since nature of pc, have access many more items can placed on dock. mind dock 100 items defeats it's (the dock) purpose.

whilst trying find information on single click feature in os x came across thread last post being particularly condescending , blindly pompous. reminded of tone used when people extol virtues of macs when compared windows pcs.

may seem trivial not familiar feature in windows people myself suffer rsi / cts can right pain ... literally.

imagine having double tap everything, every time on smart phone. imagine having double tap everything, every time on ipad. can imagine having double click access items on internet ? of have migrated windows , know of single click feature, that's how antiquated double click "feature" of os x appears be.

if can implemented in windows , ios, if can implemented in wider internet, why not in os x ? why reluctance ? in reality, declining part macs in general , os x in particular play regard apple's business model, issue unlikely ever addressed. can hope though.

please apple, implement preference pane choice can increase productivity , reduce, @ least little, frustration , rsi / cts pain.

this isn't such weird question seems, because distinctly remember mac os 9 having folder setting turned icons buttons, needed click once. can't find info on such setting in os x, if serious issue you try looking third-party mouse customizable keys. on bamboo pad can set button double-click, imagine there mice similar adjustable settings.

attached files:

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