About to throw my iMac out the window

hi guys,

have imac 21.5" desktop snow leopard installed less 2 years old , have had hard-drive replaced twice, have had exact same problem @ least 6 times , getting absolutely fed because don't time back-up before starts playing again. i'd really, appreciate helpful feedback.

guess call 'grey screen of death'. i'll explain mine does. turn on, , normal sequence grey screen apple logo , spinning wheel along normal looking firmwire progress bar, except gets not 1/4 way across , computer turns off.

can't boot safe mode, i've tried repair disks won't work, i've reset parameters , not want have re-install snow leopard.

said, helpful feedback appreciated have had nothing trouble machine , it's disappointing.


hard drive issues

know make of hdd have? apple have had problems seagate drives while now,but seems odd have had 2 go down.

think i'm right in saying using wd drives (which have in imac 27') either way, isn't right here.

couple of things cause of include: unsteady main electricity supply. ( can resolved purchasing low cost surge protector after hdd replaced.

overheating one. if can identify make of drive dig little deeper.

don't throw out window though....they tough, kill :)

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