Using iPhone as iPad WiFi?

i appologise if somewhere else, searched , guess i'm not sure of search for. not sure if it's tethering, or wifi hotspot or what. i'm thinking of getting ipad, , have at&t iphone. there way wifi ipad version , use data plan iphone, don't have pay more 3g ipad plsu 3g package? wouldn't using much, don't want pay ton. saw verizon has plan iphones says "hotspot", not sure if that's is.

tethering via wifi called "wifi hotspot" still regular old tethering.

iphone model have? subscribe at&t tether plan? if on unlimited data can't tether...without jb.

example: i'm in canada rogers 6gb data plan includes tethering. on iphone 4 have 2 options. bluetooth or wifi tether ipad. way uses iphone 4's data. if have 3gs can bluetooth tether ipad, exact same thing.

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