New House Dream Set-up?

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i've bought first house , want dream set-up can play music itunes library in bedroom/lounge/kitchen, plus stream movies tv in living room/bedroom , print spare room.

thoughts far are:

lounge -get mac mini , attach tv.
i'd download os x lion server can act central hub house (also access files when i'm away possibly?)
possibly have connected hifi that'll hooked tv.

kitchen - 1st airport express hooked portable dab radio aux in.

bedroom - apple tv hooked tv
have micro hifi there not sure whether can connect atv2 presumably i'd have have tv , atv2 on listen music whilst i'd rather stream in straight hifi mac mini downstairs. maye should 2nd airport express?

spare room - 2nd/3rd airport express connected printer.

hoping use iphone4 remote music in different rooms linking mac mini itunes library. possible if have os x lion server?

main thought getting server it's on time , don't have go , boot up.

don't know if overkill or else has suggestion hooking up? sure there better ways i've not thought of!!

ideas , hints , tips welcome!

(also have old macbook i'd link of it)

using mac mini server may overkilling do. can use icloud concept. may use time capsule (which can act main router) hold itunes library, connect appletv2 each tv set, , use airport express stations (which can extend wireless network) music , printing.

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