iPhone 4 questions

big week me....went blackberry iphone 4 , pc macbook pro.

use activesync w/exchange email , have gmail account on well. loyal blackberry user ten years , have tried lots of devices (work in wireless integration) including evo recently. went blackberry see how goes......i more optimistic iphone have been other device.

yikes....anyway, having growing pains both....since iphone forum ask few questions it....thanks in advance.

1. notifications weak (as in barely noticeable)....i have have tone selected in order know have messages....if have on vibrate it's short little 1 vibrate tone , that's it. anyway fix that?

2. wifi - better battery life keep wifi on? curious not sure if wifi supersedes 3g connection data usage....or if keep wifi on bounce , forth between 2 causing worse battery life...

think that's now....any suggestions appreciated.

1. notifications overhauled when ios5 released

2. have bettery battery life wifi on. if there wifi network, iphone connect rather 3g.

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