Sync MobileMe with automator

okay, i'm having problem, , hope guys can me it.

every time mobileme syncs--- devours bandwidth. can't use netflix, checking email or playing browser-based games slooooows down. it's fine if i'm working on offline stuff, mobileme devour bandwidth, , it's making difficult use computer. i've had temporarily disable it. (i have 6 meg connection... shouldn't doing this)

possible use automator set mobileme sync @ night, when i'm not using computer? can manually sync when need sync contacts , calendars , such, when change sort order of folder full of files, , can't use internet... that's annoying. don't have problem dropbox, i've never noticed syncing.

sure hope icloud more efficient.

i know can set mobileme automatic sync once day, don't know how determines time of day.

quick google search, found hint set want.

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