Biggest complaint about iOS 5 notifications (no icons in the status bar) icons in status bar.

whole point of notification, me @ least, reminded of missed, while weren't looking @ phone. or maybe wanted @ "later" (which have button for), still want reminded it's there. when turn phone on, or doing else on phone, have constant little reminder @ top of screen, don't forget check unread message, or whatever may be.

let's i'm doing in app, , text message. little notification pops on top of screen, click "later" because want respond when i'm done. few minutes later, finish doing whatever in app, move on else, , i've forgotten text message. problem is... only time i'm going see notification, if manually pull down notification center taskbar. or of course if turn off phone, turn on , see on lock screen. tiny icon unobtrusive, optional each app (just lock screen notification), , perfect quick glance see missed.

me, or simple little feature (taskbar icons) seem it's pretty important , should have been included? #1 reason jailbreaking phone, , hoping ios 5 eliminate desire jailbreak...

personally, want status bar icons calendar, messages, email, , missed calls... else leave regular notification center.

plan on reporting on bug reporting website, , ask other developers if feel same way me.


i feature in bitesms can click on taskbar number of text messages havent read , messages pop up.

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