If there's no LTE this year.

my contract year, i'm tech junkie , don't holding on tech long. don't know if can last year on ip4 , don't want lock 2 year plan without 4g phone. banking on lte thing.

else switch android phone 1 cycle until apple gets wits , comes out lte phone?

know, it's crazy. hate android, feel need have lte. else?

there might 12 step program that. should consider it. if jonesing tech in losing proposition already. before comes out in marketplace obsolete technologically.

have apple because apple company. apple phone. ipad. desktop computer imac. thats why have them. imac 4 years old , works amazingly well. not want new because it's new.

make pauper out of , never happy until learn appreciate have , keep long enough appreciate it.

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