Lion gestures, trackpad, magic mouse...

hi. first time poster, i've been reading forums everyday since bought imac in june 2009, long time lurker :)

think question more related lion forums instead of hardware forums.

release of lion, i'd know if it's worth upgrade "mighty" mouse magic mouse or buy trackpad , compliment mouse have, in opinion, sucks big time.

i'm asking because keep reading gestures user going able perform tasks in lion, , think i'll missing functionality if can't perform them.

i've been pondering replacing mouse time now, dislike it, maybe magic mouse solution. mouse?. can gestures it?. sell wire instead of bluetooth version?.

first thought buying wired mouse logitech or similar, proper right click button , multi-directional scrolling ball, don't know if exists.


i neither own magic mouse nor own magic trackpad. however, i've been looking magic mouse , have been doing ton of research (reading on other peoples' qualitative analyses, , official reviews).

based on i've read, i've seen mixed reviews.

recommend visit local apple store, or store sells apple products , has them on display, , check out magic mouse and/or magic trackpad yourself. way can feel hardware , see whether or not. (obviously if want test on lion, you'd want wait until lion released able test in-store).

opinion: magic trackpad way go if want touch gestures. magic mouse doesn't offer benefit on magic trackpad + mighty mouse, other convenience factor , aesthetics. if magic trackpad, want magic mouse aesthetics, might both; is, however, assuming either or both products liking after having tested them.

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