
Showing posts from March, 2012

Timbuk2 d-lux messenger bag- what size for the 13?

i looking 1 of d-lux racing stripe messenger bags 13 inch air. think prefer small size, timbuk2's website recommends medium. laptop size chart makes 13 fit small easily. have experience particular bag in small/medium sizes 13 inch air?   i got one, small fit 13 inch got small 1 too.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

BlackMagic Intensity Shuttle

has used machine? has used streaming purposes? wanting know how works. looking @ output connections on blackmagic says has usb 3.0. compatible c2d macbook pro , wil run fast?   gator24765 said: ↑ looking @ output connections on blackmagic says has usb 3.0. compatible c2d macbook pro , wil run fast? click expand... your macbook doesn't have usb3, won't run @ all.   Forums Special Interests Digital Video iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Skype for ipad back online!!!!

no joke, downloaded few minutes ago! finally! no scaling!   all can is, it's time!   Forums Archive Archives of Old Posts iPad Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Audiobook Has No Sound On iPhone 4

i bought audiobook "mistborn (unabridged)" on itunes using iphone 4. i've been listening during drives , work, today strange happened. after part 3 reaches 1:31:06, audio cuts out. there absolutely no sound beyond point. if rewind, audio starts again, once hits 1:31:06 mark narrator stops midsentence. tried switching headset using phone's speaker. no luck. tried hard-resetting phone. audio cuts out @ 1:31:05. (that's coincidence, because narrator's voice became static-like first time cut out @ 1:31:05 mark, whereas times before , after stops midsentence turned off narrator's mic) thought maybe hadn't downloaded full book-- checked itunes. says have entire thing downloaded. have idea on problem is?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips,

5 Kernel Panics Today - 2010 iMac 27" w/ Lion

i've never ever gotten kernel panic on imac before, , seen 2 kernel panics before in 7 years of using macs. getting 5 today driving me crazy. installed lion week ago, today first day i've used lot. i'll post recent log below. if me sort out, i'd appreciate it! sun jul 31 18:53:44 2011 panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff80002c268d): kernel trap @ 0xffffff7f80f6ffb0, type 14=page fault, registers: cr0: 0x000000008001003b, cr2: 0x0000000000000000, cr3: 0x0000000000100000, cr4: 0x00000000000206e0 rax: 0xffffff806b659004, rbx: 0xffffff8000000000, rcx: 0x0000000000000000, rdx: 0xffffff80000000e0 rsp: 0xffffff807fde3ce0, rbp: 0xffffff807fde3d10, rsi: 0xffffff8000000000, rdi: 0xffffff806b654004 r8: 0x0000000000000001, r9: 0x00000000042e9e18, r10: 0x8000000000100000, r11: 0x0000000000000000 r12: 0xffffff806b654004, r13: 0x0000000000000000, r14: 0xffffff806b654004, r15: 0x0000000000000000 rfl: 0x0000000000010282, rip: 0xffffff7f80f6ffb0

Your Favorite SMS/Email Tones

with imminent release of ios 5 around corner (hopefully) , ability set own sms , email tones, thought have thread people can post favorites. go crazy links , attachments please.   tardman91 said: ↑ with imminent release of ios 5 around corner (hopefully) , ability set own sms , email tones, thought have thread people can post favorites. go crazy links , attachments please. click expand... there's bunch of links in other sms/email tones thread.......   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music

External HDD suddenly stopped working

hey guys! so, have hard drive have been using macbook pro long time. it's in mac os extended journaled format. last night bought boxee box (obviously not best buy) , hooked hdd. later night hooked hdd again macbook , tried transfer files it. , problems starting. seems can't transfer anything. though timeline of transfer (how minutes left of transferring) , "bip/ding" tells me it's done, file not show in hdd. if try transfer folder, folder transferred , no files. have solution? have format hdd again?   i don't know boxee, can't there. there's never reason reformat drive. diskwarrior can fix everything. alternatively, can boot os install disk , run disk utility's "repair disk" option, doesn't fix particularly much. there may other things going on.   Forums

Mission Control behavior - bug or feature?

so way in tiger, if used exposé show desktop, clicked finder in dock, new finder window opened without bringing other windows. nice feature, since use desktop hold items working on, , bring finder window put them away. in leopard , snow leopard, though, showing desktop, clicking finder in dock open new finder window, brought other windows onscreen. solution, inconvenient, open finder window, show desktop, click finder in dock bring out finder window , nothing else. in lion, though, neither action seems work. if open finder window, show desktop, click finder icon in dock, un-shows desktop, meaning cannot use desktop part of workflow. big cluster**** mission control seems be, don't know if bug, or if shiny new intended behavior. thoughts?   open finder folder on desktop   Forums Macs

Flash causes macbook air to go nuts!

i wanted see hd trailer, , have heard flash doesn't play nice. haven't had apple notebook in 5 years, didn't know expect. within 30 seconds fans on 13 inch i7 went full blast. notebook sounded fricken airplane. normal when watching videos? stopped video after 3 minutes because afraid laptop going damaged. i'm not sure how loud fans supposed get. far nothing has triggered remotely close on air other flash. in beta guess.   my fan has never been loud when playing videos   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iKlear Travel Singles on New MBA?

is okay clean the screen of new 2011 mba iklear travel singles? used these 2009 mbp screens protected glass in front of them while mba not. thanks!   i use water , microfiber towel. using iklear solution on mba gives nasty smears -- similar having fingerprint smudge smear. water gets job done quite well, however.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Workflow adjustments

hi everyone, i've been using lion couple of days , still need create new optimal workflow. used exposé , spaces, takes effort work fast , organized. trying dedicate apps specific "spaces", can't find option anywhere? let's want i-tunes open on space 4, how can make happen? every time reboot imac (i uncheck resume function have full reboot), have have organize in mission control again... tips optimize workflow welcome!   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Ipad2 Frozen/Brick

hi.. jb ipad2 3g 16gb brick/frozen morning after dl swirlymessage. , stuck @ apple logo , restart , restart still wont go home screen. way restore it? tinyumbrella did not detect ipad 2 when plug in. appreciated..   frozen ipad sawadeekap said: ↑ hi.. jb ipad2 3g 16gb brick/frozen morning after dl swirlymessage. , stuck @ apple logo , restart , restart still wont go home screen. way restore it? tinyumbrella did not detect ipad 2 when plug in. appreciated.. click expand...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Comput

vm heat and noise?

did chance install windows 7 in vmware yet? if so, how performance, heat , noise?   i did , didn't notice wasn't paying attention. think okay. installed windows 7 , few software apps on win 7. didn't notice fan @ all. didn't use of apps in win 7. thing i've noticed major fan noise on netflix , installing software.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How well does Lion run on 4GB?

i know minimum requirement 2gb, i've heard doesn't run smooth on 4gb. true?   lion runs fine on 4 gb of ram. again depend on apps running , how many apps have open @ given time, overall runs fine on 4 gb.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Copying multiple files with duplicates in OS X Lion

in snow leopard, able select multiple files, copy them different folder, , choose copy unique ones. example, if have image a, image b, , image c, , try copy them different folder contained image b, can copy image , image c over. don't know if i'm overlooking simple in os x lion, when try copy multiple files, 2 options see are: 1) overwrite everything, , 2) copy files, , if there duplicates, maintain duplicates versions. how old functionality back?   i have same problem...   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications

Applications quit when system goes idle...

my new (used) imac displays interesting behavior have never seen before. though energy saver , screen saver preferences (only done see if fix problem) disabled, every time machine goes idle quits applications. has become quit bothersome these last few days i'm working on 2 machines @ same time , don't catch before goes idle. did tiger installation , snow leopard continues. thoughts?   i can't 1 that's ever experienced problem...   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New MBP Problem - DOA i guess after 1st restart

just got this afternoon.. set up..rebooted..and wont restart.. stuck @ daisy wheel loading screen... let sit there 15 mins.. shut down after doing quick search on apple forums... started again , still stuck.. brand new mbp 15" , 1 restart , stuck.. ideas ?   wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (ipod; u; cpu iphone os 4_2_1 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8c148 safari/6533.18.5) try reinstalling os. if doesnt work bad hard drive   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

best headphones for MBP

i have admit being musician hard find perfect set of headphones have admit have them. have tried many types of expensive kinds can , fell in love dre beat studios. know lot of people drowns in bass , there no treble , there better headphones out there these amazing. perfect plane rides, long car rides, recording, or listening type of music or watching movie. perfect.   if musician you'll want buy pair of monitoring headphones. have equal representation of sound, whether bass or treble, , give accurate sound. not idea produce beats headphones, because music have less bass intended.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Co

NAS Media server Questions

i picked 2tb blackarmor nas 220 , appears decent selection. easy set , works enough. copied music library on share on drive , set media streaming. there reason keep music on mac @ point? assume i''ll need rebuild playlists point music on blackarmor device. there issues syncing phone , itunes if keep music on nas? music come on fine or there constraints syncing media server? disappointment have @ moment aperture's library not support being hosted on nas. guess should have done more research before pulling trigger. got drive wife's peecee need there.   itunes have moved files on using consolidate library step. since moved it, try moving mac-side music collection random non-sub folder (to desktop, itunes can't find it). try play song. it'll can't find file, , ask browse it. itunes should take few minutes update library relink according old directory structure

Macbook Air (2011) to replace Macbook Pro (2009) - Bad Idea?

anyone planning on using updated macbook air "pro" machine? i'm coming 15" mbp 09 apparently lemon best buy giving me $1800 it. while loved pro few years ago, todays lowest end i5 machines can handle aperture c2d machines. i'm getting updated macbook air , save change other apple treats. know air isnt pro machine, i5 13" macbook pro had temporarily ran aperture infinitely better old mbp. in terms of power i'm not worried , kinda have storage thing figured out because still "work" 24" monitor , 2tb fw drive on desk. overlooking? know im justifying things because prefer 13" air on 13" pro, foolish expect out of air or updated (presumed) i5 air direction computers heading. advice   urkel said: ↑ anyone planning on using updated macbook air "pro" machine? i'm coming 15" mbp 09 app

T-mobile prepaid data only on iPhone

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5) here's story, had 32gb ipod , loved thing missed internet everywhere, friend gave me iphone 3gs, jailbroke , unlocked tmobile prepaid data on bottom line bought prepaid webconnect sim 1gb refill card, put sim in iphone , works, says tmobile carrier, haven't set have put in sim , have edge!?!? it's slow load anything!!!! going put refill card in , it's says have have tmobile account , makes put in tmobile number temporary password, don't have tmobile phone, do!!!!! , again bought prepaid webconnect sim kit   with tmobile usa edge data using iphone. no iphone model supports 3g bands you're stuck edge if you're using tmobile.   Forums

Battery Cycle- Is mine healthy?

im off study abroad year , want bring macbook pro me im unsure whether battery healthy or not? if not rather sorted out not before go abroad. please tell me if or not? macbook 11 months old. charge information: charge remaining (mah): 3237 charged: no charging: no full charge capacity (mah): 5854 health information: cycle count: 315 condition: normal battery installed: yes amperage (ma): -2296 voltage (mv): 10849   it doesn't way. maybe use coconut battery check battery health , report back. ______________________________________________________ this should answer most, if not all, of battery questions: apple notebook battery faq by ggjstudios ______________________________________________________ ​   Forums Macs

27" iMac freezes

i work @ retail store , apple certified reseller. such, have floor demos of current models. funny thing, we've not yet received functional 27" 2011 imac demo. we've gone through 2 dead-on-arrival units, both experiencing same issue. once loaded, not connect local wifi network, , after anywhere 10 seconds 20 minutes freeze, locking entire computer until hard reset performed. each had issues connecting network every other demo have ever had has connected to, , each continued freeze, consistenly, after hard drive wipe , os re-install. has experienced this? first call made applecare took solid hour after os re-install confirmed doa, second model took 10 minutes, tops. because it's getting more common or i'm better @ explaining why computer won't work second time? second 1 had grey screen power icon pop said hard reset required in several languages, may have helped case.. 1 of dozen times locked on me..  

Sooooooo Tomorrow? :)

hey all, know, no show stopping bugs have been found in lion , u guys think lion come out tomorrow? dont have strong rumor source there rumor come out tomorrow 9 pacific. u guys think?   i'd love polished enough july 6th release, guess mine. guess it's wait , see!   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Putting Documents and Downloads back into dock

hi all, went , trashed documents , downloads icons dock, ones on right side of striped line of dock. open in "fan" formation. i'd put them in dock. know how this? thanks! morod   restoring folders dock   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

ATV2 won't load entire iTunes library

there's 4,000+ songs collection in itunes not show when try shuffle entire library on atv. not have drm, nor did of them come apple store/amazon/etc. if play on computer's itunes, shouldn't recognized atv2? atv2 topping off @ 12499 tunes, while i've got 16866 in total library, , yes, shuffle whole darn thing. make 3rd major problem i've had. 14 days return.. where's competition?   see tech specs atv2 here there's section titled audio formats supported. it's possible of files fall outside of formats. it's possible of files missing (or have been moved since added itunes library). see if can identify of missing tracks, right click them in itunes , select "get info". see if there going on bit rate, file type or file location.   Forums Apple TV

sn0wbreeze vs pwnage on chinese input method crash

i used sn0wbreeze 2.7.3 jailbroken iphone 3gs ios 4.3.3 after lot of failed tries error (21, 29, 1600) , found out seems issue have replaced factory battery 1 ifixit, once put original battery sn0wbreeze went ok. anyways, after jailbreak i've noticed whenever tried write chinese - traditional input pad cause specific app crash, selecting in settings pop me out of screen. have since found number of posts on other sites reporting issue. has encounter issue pwnage tool's ipsw? on thread on site saw article saying should use redsn0w put phone in pwned dfu mode can patch iboot of device otherwise 1 of 16xx error code. wondering if should use pwnage tool cook ipsw use redsn0w put iphone pwned dfu restore itunes? insights these issues appreciated.   allaw said: ↑ on thread on site saw article saying should use redsn0w put phone in pwned dfu mode ca

Pirate Gunner - looking for CB now!

the upcoming puzzle title black pearl looking cb testers now! title: pirate gunner (tentative) operating system: ios genre: puzzle tentative start date: 30 jun roles of cb testers: simple questionnaire given revealing overall gaming experience of game. gameplay simple challenging - you'll need link broken fuses left right fire cannons enemy! story mode: first adventure pirates puzzle mode: challenge 50 amazing puzzles arcade mode: infinite battles! please send e-mail enrol in closed beta subject “[pirategunner] cb” following details: 1. idevice (ipod/iphone/ipad), including ios version , udid 2. whether idevice jailbroken 3. gender 4. age 5. mother languange 6. current geolocation enrol if interested!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps

Finding NAS file path

hi have today installed time capsule , transferred music onto it. want set sonos system point towards folder on tc can't find file path , every time type in keeps bitching it's wrong thing. before throw whole lot out of window there way can find , copy , paste file path folder containing music on tc?   one way open terminal, , drag-drop file interested in. auotmagically type path. can copy , paste it. rob   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

2010 Macbook Pro faulty graphics card?

hi when try watch flash video on sites iplayer, shown big mess! switching graphics between integrated , discreet solves problem. problem intermittent , think happens when using dedicated card, switching , forth fixes problem , can use either card view flash. guys reckon it's graphics card issue or bug flash player? have 2010 macbook pro 15" , use gfxcardstatus switch between cards. 6 months out of warranty pics below   just recent, right? did upgrade 10.6.8? oh , lol @ "the wonder of weeds"   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple T

CISCO router allocate new IP addresses to macs?

hi all, i'm having terrible trouble linksys router. i'm trying 2 windoze , mac laptop onto cisco linksys wrt120n wireless router. have 2 main macs connected via ethernet router, , we're online. problem 1: 2 main office macs don't talk each other! mac leopard, her's snow leopard, , has virus barrier x6 on. not sure we've stuffed because need drag files & folders computer , then. both have file & printer & scanner sharing turned on. problem 2: wireless laptop connection gaming. begin ? son , friends have laptops want go wireless gaming. security , protocols? should use dhcp though router seems have given 2 ethernet macs ip addresses? (the router xxx,xxx.x.1 hers xxx.100, mine x.101 — normal?)   linksys defaults handing out .100+ addresses. need wireless enable it, , turn on wpa/wpa2 , enter password. should work. also, 2 macs talk each other,

Applescript with Itunes not retaining track info after selection

i have put script process song information text file comma seperated values, , add them playlist. write values not locate text file. works well, implement additional functionality. have added ability select song when search results more one. however, doesn't matter select list. adds song @ beginning of selection regardless of chosen. appreciated. code: set myprefsfile (choose file prompt "select file read:") set notfound ((path desktop folder) string) & "notfound.txt" open access notfound write permission open access myprefsfile set applescript's text item delimiters {","} set prefscontents read myprefsfile using delimiter {","} close access myprefsfile set x 0 set theplaylist "temp" tell application "itunes" make new user playlist properties {name:"temp-1"} end tell repeat number of items in prefscontents times set x x + 1 set track_name item x of prefsconten

Share your StarCraft 2 Tips'n'Tricks!

hey guys, im learning new , cool stuff game each day, figured i'd make thread share little tricks etc. i'll start..! medivacs (terren) can heal mutalisks (zerg)! zerg can mind control protoss's probe, build nexus , chronoboost zerg buildings! else got cool stuff share?   build more, better units opponent(s).   Forums Special Interests Mac and PC Games iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Macbook Pro and Drobo

hi, new mac (10.6.7) having been pc user many years. i've installed drobo, 4 slot 4x1tb wd hard drives. first appeared 1 "drobo" on desk top , once formatted hfs+ appears 2 drobo's. judging drobo video watching on internet, isn't meant happen. i've done (which nothing unusual total technical middle age dweeb ). appreciate if steer me in right direction. other question relating drobo loading images onto external 1tb drive, rather choke internal drive. drobo recognise that? in advance - karen   when formatted drobo, you'd have specified partition size. think default 2tb. because you've installed large enough drives give > 2tb of usable storage, drobo tries find way of allowing access remaining space, creates 2tb partition. if want rid of 2 partitions, you'll need reformat drobo partition size > 2tb.  

Case Mate Pop! (iPad 2)

does have case mate pop! ipad 2? if so, please share thoughts on it.   in case wondering, pretty case. have casemate pop ipad 2 (just came today) , pad & quill octavo. took ipad out of octavo few days ago , realized had forgotten how thin , light ipad was. made me want find lighter thinner case enjoy shape , design of ipad grip , protection (back only). pros: ~snug , secure fit ~shows off thin shape, size, , weight of ipad ~provides grip handling ~doesn't cover bezel ~the rim of case surrounds bezel raised if ipad falls front down, screen doesn't touch floor ~has built in stand (with it's own compartment when it's not in use) works in landscape or portrait ~doesn't interfere screen protectors cons: ~does not protect screen (of course won't buy if interested in kind of thing) ~if think of more cons i'll post them.  

Selling 13.3" MacBook Pro

hello. i'm planning on selling 13.3" macbook pro bought in 2009. has 160gb of hdd storage, 2gb of ram, intel core 2 duo processor 2.26ghz. slight issue keys l (above , below) right side of keyboard. has sticky issues, nevertheless still works, sticky. how sell for? in advance.   mac2sell , gazelle or e b a y ( việt nam , türkiye , ÄŒeská republika , hanguk ) might price checkers. quote selling outside marketplace threads offering items sale or trade, asking buy items, or asking pricing advice on items sold must posted in marketplace forum, accessible qualified members , subject additional rules; see marketplace rules details. members not eligible marketplace forum may not start threads elsewhere such purposes. click expand... from quote

Automating terminal activities

i code, compile, , run lot of test scripts through terminal using gcc , find myself typing following lot: code: cd /users/me/desktop gcc test.c and, assuming compiles correctly... code: ./a.out is there way can make little program sits on desktop runs of through terminal 1 click? i'm hoping it's easy batch file can make few lines in notepad.   if name of compiled file same make shell script , make executable can double click desktop. create (or .command) text document on desktop with: code: !#/bin/sh gcc ~/desktop/test.c -o ~/desktop/test.out ~/desktop/test.out then set executable (chmod 755 ~/desktop/test.out) , make sure it's set open can double click when need compile.   Forums Macs Mac Programming

Want to get an Air for my daughter eventually

i have year this, want air daughter 8th grade graduation. 1 refurbished store, , 11 inch storage on (whatever may in year). deal grades have stay or go up, , knows if she'll mac. problem wants macbook. how @ it. air more portable fit in backpack easier (on go friends projects), doesn't have hard drive, no moving parts, , it's aluminum won't crack. i'm not worried plastic cracking, has ipod touch , take care of it. side... wants optical drive watch movies wants macbook. told can optical drive it, see point how separate. have year sway her, ideas? able remotely log macbook change settings?   man, , use happy getting 20$ grades lol.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS &

computer Iliterate

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_2_1 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8c148 safari/6533.18.5) jailbreaking dummies have used computer since atari st in like. 90s. need fast easy guide jailbreak myi phone 4.2.1 step step click click . 3gs 4   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Anyone able to make the "geofence" reminders work?

i have 3gs (on ios5 beta obviously) , can not make reminders fire when leave or arrive @ location. saw other threads people complaining setting 1 makes location services run , kills battery life. well, when set 1 never see location services arrow in status bar. wondering if work in beta1.   two things: 1) don't work against exchange accounts. 2) need make sure hit "done" twice, either cancel button wipe out changes.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

ios5 Mail Issues?

since installed ios 5 inbox not push. using lotus notes traveler same settings (i restored phone when set up). possible have delete account , reinstall it? else having problems this?   you have dev account? if not, didn't install ios 5. , im not trying rude, making sure since ur newbie here, lot of dumb people 'round here   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Audiobooks and iCloud

does else notice purchased audiobooks itunes not show in purchased list on itunes/icloud. there setting missing or not going included?   no audiobooks me doesn't show audiobooks - little distressing, 'cause have spent way more on audiobooks on music.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

2011 13" MBP: First Day Impressions From a First* Time User

i wanted provide initial impressions on new 2011 13" mbp base model. first , foremost, thank community wealth of information available here. i've been reading forums diligently past several months leading purchase. second, put * next first time user, since did own mac several years ago, relationship didn't last long. can't remember, maybe 2003/2004? computer ibook, , shortly after 1 year warranty expired logic board went out. repair cost $800. of course know wisdom of buying warranty on laptop, @ time college student , head kind of fuzzy (partly why don't remember when owned ibook, fuzzy time). said forget apple! , short while later bought gigantic 17" hp monster, died after 18 months. i've been laptop free while, relying on various pc desktops, 1 i'm quite fond of built myself year , half ago. great gaming rig types of games play, ones few years older. of course lot has happened in personal technology since owned ibo

iPad LCD bleeding?

i have noticed ipad lcd might bleeding, closely on top should replaced?   attached files: photo.jpg file size: 571.1 kb views: 151 *cue 300 spartan track* interesting.. need put team investigate projection of on consumer market. shall send them ninja-camps, teach them hunting. have boys circumcised, girls mini-dressed, , god analyze , understand called "screen bleed". have faith son, have faith.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional App

What is the best way to get an iPhone with no data plan?

sorry if tired question!! trying research on how iphone without data plan. can point me in right direction? pretty open in regards model/ carrier...just need save money 1 more year until iphone 5 comes out. possible month month starting no data att?   you have several options. 1. buy iphone, unlock it, , use t-mobile 2. use original iphone att (if put data block, won't catch you) 3. use 3g, 3gs, 4 on att data block until catch you , att insists on having data plan every smartphone cannot go month month without 1 officially   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professiona

Accept contact on skype?

okay, know sounds stupid cannot find how accept friend invites , view messages on skype. how do this? know have had many google searches , on mac os side of life bothering reading this! ivor.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPad 1 Running Slow, Disabled Multitasking

my ipad 1 running ios 4.3.1 , jailbroken running slow multitasking enabled. basically, take forever apps resume (had multitasking gestures enabled well) because memory management system wasn't emptying out memory enough. also, because of this, apps crash since memory wasn't available enough, when wasn't app switching , such running app safari. re-sprung, rebooted, took off of hacks, everything, until pinpointed multitasking culprit. there, decided disable in k48ap .plist , give ipad go without it. decided install backgrounder background apps i'd keep open when use them (like pandora). can glad i've done so! because of a4 processor, opening apps no sweat , faster waiting long apps resume using multitasking. ipad doesn't start slow down anymore after heavy use couple of days. now, installing ios 4.3.3 , setting new device may fix of this, have many files loaded on ipad , use school every day (even using read textbooks kindle writ

Hard disk problem - MBP

could bit of advice... had apparent hard disk crash yesterday - mbp won't boot up. took hdd out , plugged desktop pc via sata cables. surprisingly, disk visible desktop, i've copied off since last backup. when put mbp didn't recognise it. upgraded hdd i'd used, tried former (smaller) hdd in mbp check that. boots *sometimes*. sound i've got 2 bad hdds or sound else - hard disk controller? appreciated. stu   it seems hdd going dead   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless