Lion Digital Optical Audio Fiber problems

i try not resort joining forum ask question, because can fix problem myself or find answer. but, i'm out of ideas , couldn't hurt have account here incase.

after installed lion on mid-2007 macbook started having problems audio. have macbook connected t.v. through hdmi , audio hooked surround sound system optical fiber cable mini-toslink adapter(really awesome) , use media center everyday computer. but, ever since installed lion have problem audio works fine while, maybe , hour or so. after switch few apps use audio, plex 1 minute watch show, itunes listen song, chrome watch on youtube. if go plex of sudden there no audio. if turn off surround sound receiver , turn on sound playing if have been, if close plea , open itunes, i'll have same thing again , reset receiver. quite annoying , seems bug in lion, because never did before. don't think it's plex problem because when switching between chrome , itunes. , if plex problem, don't understand why affect other app , wouldn't in plex. strange thing if restart laptop fixes while. can go app app , have them playing audio fine, after hour start again. i've tried see if else has had problem , have seem people having problem headphones , since uses same port thought fix may fix problem. says change 16 bit 32 bit in audio midi setup... don't have 32 bit option... instead have option called encoded digital audio, suppose because i'm using optic cable. if select nothing plays @ reset of computer and/or laptop.
if knows or has same problem appreciated.

nevermind... apparently same problem came 10.6.8 applehda.kext file cutting out audio after playing 5.1 audio track.

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