Media Question for Encoding and Ripping?

ok starting organize myself media , atv1 , at2 using mini media player.

have several questions prefer import dvd's digital version filling external 2tb drive.

use mac ripper rip them dvd mini , external hdd, use handbrake encode them watch. here issue when had mini , atv1 easy encode have atv2 , not same formats movies encoding atv2 not work on atv1.

best way rip dvd, encode it, dvd's ripping using 8gb of drive space , problem using lot of hdd space.

bought movies off itunes , wondering how apple gets them perfect, mean ones encode handbrake clean, not same quality apple uses, know if there 2 better programs out there, not care if have buy them.

open suggestions if there better way of doing all, because trying rid of dvd's , cd's take space, looking storage device, thought of drobo rather buy 2-3 external seagate 3tb external hdd's $139.00.

it sounds may have problems handbrake settings, both in terms of file size , quality. average dvd size of maybe 2gb quality slider @ 18, encoding using atv2 preset. in terms of quality have seen few sd titles itunes looked same own handbrake dvd rips. may newer itunes sd content encoded higher-quality masters and/or better algorithms; if so, way match quality start blu-ray source , encode down "sd."

regardless, going hamstrung on quality long have encode atv1. given brand new atv2s can had $80, might consider turning atv1 leopard itunes server , picking atv2 replacement. if install leopard on atv1 can attach 1 of external storage drives via usb , let store , serve entire itunes library.

if give details on handbrake settings can better , more specific advice on encoding issues.

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