Resolved "This device isn't eligible for the requested build" and more

i have iphone 3gs (old bootrom) asked fix because it's stuck in loop when boots. (see apple bit, screen goes black, see apple bit, screen goes black, etc.)

however, when try restore in itunes error "this device isn't eligible requested build."

i've googled , searched these forums (and continue both) , i've tried things i've found far (like unchecking "set hosts cydia" , removing entries hosts file) still can't give me blasted error.

have feeling tried jb/unlocking ipad firmware , messed up, no 1 'fessing it.




are trying update latest firmware?

if not need shsh or else won't able restore.

if yes should try computer. had similar issue , using computer solved problem.

3gs on ipad bb?

if yes need custom ipsw. use pwnage tool create 1 , restore it.

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