My iMac auto "Safe-booted?

my imac shut down properly, there no interruption or manual force shut down. shut down normally. when turned on few minutes later, took long time load , there status bar @ bottom progress. have never ever seen happen before in 6 months have had imac. when finished booting. said "safe boot" under sign in password access desktop. , mouse , keyboard not recognized bluetooth few seconds, , messages popped notifying me of that.

know why happened? puzzled-- wrong mac or did happen while shut down, becasue normal prior to.

also, doing kind of search functions doesnt work either. trying search programs/files in upper right corner, , nothing comes up.

in advance.

just random thoughts:

- open disk utility , repair permissions.

- while in disk utility, choose "verify" internal drive, , see reports. note: can't "repair" internal drive when you're booted it. this, you'd have boot system dvd, , go disk utility , repair there. du can't "repair drive it's running on".

- it's possible info gets updated @ shutdown time didn't written or stored properly. thus, @ next bootup, system didn't have "it needed know" (such cache files read @ bootup), , had "go hunting" find necessary info.

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