Upgrading RAM and a Question.


i'm getting imac next week, it's 1 $1200 usd , interested in upgrading ram 8gb. of guys told me here before doesn't worth paying apple cause can save 50% $$ doing myself.
wondering first, imac comes 1x ram piece of 4gb? or comes 2x ram pieces of 2gb each?
cause if comes 1 piece of 4gb ram, means got buy piece of 4gb ram right?

, other questions is: true if buy mac today mac os x lion upgrade free?
if how gonna know when bought it? ( know it's not related imac forum it's instead of opening new thread ).

thank much! :)

from i've heard, upgrading ram on imac isn't hard. should have no problem taking care of yourself. i'm not sure stock memory configuration though.

yep, buys mac after wwdc gets lion free. based on purchase/registration date.

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