Backwards Compatibility between new OSs (10.7) and Older Ones (10.6)

this first time i've had "migrate" app 1 version of mac os x another. in past, had been compiling app on 10.5. on 10.5 used it. when started compiling 10.6 (i waited until 10.6.3), dropped support 10.5, easy squeezy.

there common method developers implement new features os n, while still maintaining compatibility in same binary os n-1?

want avoid adding lion features (full-screen mode, etc.) if there's no way apps run under snow leopard. how developers handle this?

thanks! :)

 #if macosx_deployment_target == mac_os_x_version_10_7  //lion stuff  #else   //snow leopard stuff  #endif 
 #if macosx_deployment_target < mac_os_x_version_10_7 if (![someobject respondstoselector:@selector (lionfeaturemethod:)]) {     // pre 10.7 stuff here } else #endif {     // 10.7 stuff here } 

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