Lion issues - corrupted install - loss of NAS - crashplan stopped

i've had few bumps in road going lion.

first of all, attempted follow suggestions on @ ars installesd.dmg wouldn't have suffer through full lion download on every computer want upgrade. copied files nas (lacie network space 2) , assumed good. not. somehow dmg got corrupted when downloaded machine in house not run. since lion goes , deletes local copy, had no backup. that's not entirely true. had burned copy of dmg 8 gig sd card. lucky me not corrupted made myself new dmg , copied inside install os x replacing corrupted one.

noticed couldn't log in nas more except guest. turns out apple decided change way remote logins work in lion , broke lot of things. vnc viewers on ipad , iphone no longer work , can't log in nas drive without firmware update. started lacie update last night around midnight. thing is, i'd rather deal firmware updates on schedule, not apple's. :mad:

lastly crashplan stopped working. , didn't warning email until 5 days had gone by. guess that's email setting on part , while hate being bombarded email, think "something broken" email come through (from crashplan) faster 5 days! turns out need take manual action make work again. has java. how un-apple like. remember whole "just works" premise? apple has skipped ahead resumable apps , shouldn't have care apps running or not lost sight of keeping essential stuff working when upgrading 1 version of os x next. , please don't try tell me backing crashplan not essential.

i'm not ready join cranky users complain lion apple have done better job of making sure services use not interrupted when upgrading lion. apple should have informed developers of nas products update required of have had our new firmware before lion came out, if companies chose proactive. i'm hearing, apple didn't tell , had find out when non apple nas stopped working. turns out upgrade nas lacie didn't appear until 7/22 , when try automatically fails (could lacie issue).

i'm confident these issues ironed out i'm wondering if should have waited week or 2 have new firmware , updated 3rd party apps before pulled trigger on upgrade.

unlike previous versions of os x, lion doesn't include java, required crashplan. solution simple: after installing lion, launch crashplan application , java automatically loaded , backup process resume.

mike (from crashplan)

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