Outlook 2011 moving to new Mac IMAP?


(today) purchase new 2011 mba , have 2011 27" imac run office 2011 on main work machine.

air travel machine , need have outlook 2011 on over imac (i have 2 copies of office 2011)

current imac email address pop email account , want move imap (which has been setup service provider)

understand imap let me keep 2 macs synced emails... dont quite understand process of getting running.

@ moment imac (pop) email account running fine , have made multiple folders e.g. customers - sub folder cust 1, cust 2, cust 3 etc read customers emails , respond manually move right folder.
want new air have these folders , sync imac.

questions are..

1. how copy of folders , imac air?

2. how setup folders sync using imap on both machines - or can imap sync inbox between 2 machines?

3. can have mix of imap , pop account on same email address?
have iphone want send rec emails on (dont need customer folders on iphone), perhaps leave pop setup?

thoughts, suggestions welcome..

many tks


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