Recommendations for desk setup for MacBook Air

hi everyone,

i've decided i'm going maxed out 11" air next month when go uni in september - it's light , portable means should doddle carrying lectures etc.

dilemma (i'm sure that's not how spell that's how correction comes up) i'm going use with.

11" screen fine , dandy when i'm taking notes/in library, when i'm in room i'd nice external monitor.

basically, i'm asking recommendations decent sized (at least 20") external monitors able hook air and, if possible, ps3.

also, suggestions regarding desk setup great; keyboards, mice, usb drives, stands great :)

in advance!


just external monitor these days suit needs. it's question of compatibility mini display port on mba. there number of adapters go mini disply hdmi - check out. then, find large monitor hdmi reputible company , away go. hdmi works ps3.

suggest apple wireless keyboard. mine has been going strong years, happy it. i'm not fan of apple's bluetooth mouse. if going utilizing gestures in osx lion, i'd suggest apple's wireless trackpad.

try getting away usb drives. open free dropbox account , invite friends (you'll more storage way). if must have usb, can pick high capacity ones on cheap these days.

have bookarc stand twelve south. great stand indeed!

hope helps bit.

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