
Showing posts from February, 2013

Moving a user area

how setup 1 of users accounts located (including directory) on external ssd? want directory not on main drive.   i able search terms "move home folder mac os" in google , kinds of how documented how it.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless


i'm new programming , i'm trying create cocoa-applescript application text view. idea user writes down there comments , clicks send. sends me email there comments. think in normal apple script set the_dialog "enter comments here" set email text returned of (display dialog the_dialog default answer "" buttons {"cancel", "ok"} default button 2) tell application "mail" set themessage make new outgoing message properties {visible:false, subject:"my subject", content:email} tell themessage make new recipient @ end of recipients properties {name:"example", address:""} send themessage end tell end tell how text view   what have got far? connect text view outlet in script, can use various methods such nstext's string() characters of text. rest of mail scripting s

Samsung stops reporting phone sales data as profit slides 18 percent

samsung stops reporting phone sales data profit slides 18 percent “samsung electronics co. on friday said stop disclosing sales figures , forecasts mobile phones , tablet computers, step attributed business risks , analysts said due continuing legal battle apple inc.,” evan ramstad reports wall street journal. “when company released second-quarter results friday, cellphone data missing. , in conference call analysts, executives announced “new information policy” reveal less data cellphones , tablet computers,” ramstad reports. “‘as competition intensifies, there increased risks information provide may adversely affect our own businesses,’ robert yi, samsung’s chief of investor relations, said on call. declined request further explanation.” ramstad reports, “apple sued samsung in april, alleging samsung copied portions of design , packaging of apple’s iphone , ipad when designed similar products. samsung countersued. however, lost preliminary ruling in

iPhone 4 sms out of order and Set Automatically time not correct

hi, new forums , need help. iphone 4 jailbreak out of singapore. phone in los angeles now. sms out of order when sms/text messages sent not go top of message chain, when receiver sends me goes top. set time automatically ]set time automatically - worked fine till 2 days ago after did sync on itunes. have set time manually, if use automatic sets time 2 hours prior me. think these issues related forum messages have read. idea on how fix or place go fix? thanks,   are using usa sim card it, , may need restore fix   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple

Funny: Apple charged my CC $11,178 for my MacBook Air

i had nice little surprise when checked credit card statement. lol. ordered 1, , inadvertently charged me 9 due credit card system processing glitch. i'm glad used credit card , not debit card. $1,242 x 9 card hits = $11,178 pending charges on card. gave me nice gesture of compensation , communicated they've discovered issue , have resolved , when authorizations settle post 1 charge, hehe. thought little funny (not @ first, now) , share story, lol. see happens when computers run world   for kind of money hope comes dedicated graphics card.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional

New base 13'' MBA vs. X220

i trying decide between two. don't processor intensive, except stream videos , webcam. don't need more storage 128 ssd, webcam , bluetooth, x220 may similar in price, cheaper. mba half pound lighter. awesome, not deal breaker. mba thinner, scares me in terms of durability on other hand, x220 such rugged machine. incredible build quality (not saying mba doesn't) mba has higher resolution screen, not ips... , have seen many people having problems viewing angles in new one aesthetically, mba magnificent piece of technology have ever seen   i have thinkpad, , x220 machine, can crazy battery life if/when needed, me reason go thinkpad on mac tablet. air hard beat. remember awesome trackpad , other lion touches!   Forums Macs Notebooks

Magic Mouse works as mouse, but no Magic features

i have mac pro , bluetooth magic mouse. after using magic mouse week, decided mouse. other computer needs mouse i'm using magic mouse mac pro. turning on mouse , getting discovered computer fine. i'm using regular mouse write this. however, unable use of magic features of mouse. can left click , right click on it, that's it. no scrolling @ all. considering plan upgrade lion tomorrow, kind of sucks. thought there setting in mouse preferences, when go mouse preferences dialog , click set bluetooth mouse button, says "no mouse found." ideas?   no 1 has problem? it's odd because if go system preferences , go bluetooth, shows mouse connected , says apple magic mouse. when go mouse under system preferences, , select "set bluetooth mouse," cannot find magic mouse. there no option turn on right clicking, yet right clicking works fine. have usb overd

Macfusion on Lion

hey all, first post. can't seem figure issue out thought i'd try luck here. upgraded lion day came out. on snow leopard used macfusion mount ssh connections. worked great, loved it. upgraded lion, not connect of servers. following error: could not mount filesystem: mount process has terminated unexpectedly. have thoughts on this? or have encountered same thing?   go macfusion website , see if have update available lion.   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can't buy Lion outside US?

hey, opened app store buy lion, when creating apple id account couldn't choose other us, , if faked address , country wouldn't accept mastercard number, saying not mastercard. how can buy mac os x lion?   teravan said: ↑ hey, opened app store buy lion, when creating apple id account couldn't choose other us, , if faked address , country wouldn't accept mastercard number, saying not mastercard. how can buy mac os x lion? click expand... use app store geographic location?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desk

How to use print Job Log

the print scheduling feature has been removed , appears replaced "job log" in lion. there docs on how use it?   i'd grateful find out how schedule print jobs well, did pre-lion.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

purchased wrong air!!!

hi, me , sister purchased new macbook air (online) dads birthday, sister said wanted 13" turns out wants 11.... says late cancel, 14 day return, if take apple store unopened exchange or have doit through online store? thanks...   call online store , see if can switch (unless has shipped already). if air custom order, can't swap @ retail store.   Forums Macs Buying Tips and Advice iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Make recovery media of lion from new mba?

how 1 make install dvd/usb recovery media of lion on new mba? know how make “mac os x lion” installer download (ie installesd.dmg.) wondering how 1 makes installed lion on new mba? forced dl $29 or buy usb stick $69 (see below) have install media? ps: notice macworld says apple sell usb lion aug..."and despite talk lion being available via mac app store, company plans release $69 version of lion on usb stick in august."   there's no need recovery media. here's apple's solution new mini's , air's:   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air

My 1st MBP and I've got a line of 6 stuck pixels

was getting acquainted new mbp , low , behold.. opened box , through install , see 6 pixels in vertical row stuck on blue , bottom 1 stuck on red. tomorrow 30 days , purchased amazon.. apple store can swap out me, or better off going thanks!   use 1 year warranty.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

What's your favourite presentation remote app?

i've got present pretty intense presentation tomorrow, , i'm looking decent app control iphone. had 1 before wasn't great. aside going forward , through powerpoint presentation, important features i'm looking powerpoint notes on screen, , timer i'd rather if free, if have pay little reliability , features don't mind.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Words with Friends notifications in iOS 5?

my notifications words friends don't seem working. i'm running ios 5 beta 3 , in settings > notifications turned on. help?   they work me. try re-downloading   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

subcribed calendar not updating on iPhone

i posted in iphone area other day haven't gotten replies i'm trying here. subscribed gfs google calendar (she's using droid getting iphone 4 in couple of months). anyway, subscribe calendar in ical on imac , it's location set mobileme account. when updates calendar changes appear in ical updates don't appear on iphone, initial "load" of data. i've searched , solution found had set , setting location in ical mobileme. i've tried subscribing calendar directly on iphone (that's need most) whatever reason loads , when go hours or days later calendar on iphone, scrolling around looking @ list view painfully slow. jumps around , has erratic response. same thing happens on ipad if try subscribing there too. has anywhere 6 12 calendar entries per day. it's not huge amount of entries i'm not sure problem is. when ex-wife , subscribed each other's iphone calendars never had problem , year ago. doubt prob

Can't resize bottom partition?

i had installed lion gm on snow leopard, dumb know, , got tired of glitches installed sl on new partition, transferred , erased original partition. can't resize new partition. basically, how add top/greyed out partition (empty space) bottom 1 (my snow leopard install)? thanks.   you can't move beginning of partition, things have @ front. can move of data ipartition. safer, though, up, wipe drive, , restore backup.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife

So apparently Lion sucks?

this i've been reading tell me isnt true!   depends on read why not try when comes out , form own opinion?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

SSD Write Limits? A Concern?

my 2006 mbp bit dust i'm looking new imac. i've been wanting ssd workflow includes using: photoshop coda transmit tower chrome/safari/firefox things occasional itunes listening dropbox sounds ssds are, in theory, more reliable. i've heard lot write limits , had concerns. computer wife , , want ensure lasts @ least 4-5 (hopefully more) years. being said, should concerned it? real life scenario go on write limit on apple ssds?   apple's ssds use 34nm nands, have 5000 p/e cycles. if capacity 128gb, can theoretically write 640 000gb, or 640tb of data before nand wears out. 5 years has 1 826 days (since there @ least 1 leap year) means have write 351gb drive, everyday . overwriting whole drive 2.7 times, everyday . of course, theoretical approach. in real world, of nands filled data won't deleted (such system files). of writes concentrated on few nands. then, it's h

Secret agents raid Apple store webcam 'artist'

the secret service has raided home of artist collected images webcams in new york apple store. link bbc article whole new meaning 'can take photo's in store'. guy must have realised not end well.   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iTunes with media on a NAS

hi guys, i've got ssd in new mbp, i've moved itunes media folder nas. i've got working, editing metadata track number (manually, or via tuneup) stupidly slow - 5-10 seconds of nothing , comes life. fixing bad tags has gone 2 min job 10 minute one, lots of frustrating waiting inbetween. else runs fine nas, i've got entire photo collection on there (approx 8,000 raw files) , lightroom flies. streaming hd content quick, general file operations fine - seems itunes has issues. i'm using smb connect nfs seems beyond me , afp isn't option, i'm not sure if cause or not. there's various other threads people saying similar, i've not found definitive cures or causes. can shed light?   are using wireless when you're doing this? might explain latency. computer has copy entire file, edit it, send entire file back. 8-9mb music files, can add up. use synology n

Installed App Registry

does know ios 4.3.3 stores info apps installed , keys necessary run said installed file? 2 locations know of are: /var/mobile/library/caches/ and /var/mobile/library/springboard/applicationstate.plist. please , thanks!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Resolved Vertex 3 Max IOPS - iStat 128°C

my 2011-17" mbp vertex 3 - 120gb max iops ssd has hdd temperature of 128°c according istat. both fans running @ 2000rpms. battery: 29°c cpu: 52°c gpu: 48°c surface below screen hot, not extremely hot. should worry or sensor? how measurement of hdd-temperature work?   there no temp. sensor in ssd better if didn't give value because questions comes lot.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

The iPhone 4's legacy

great device. **** phone.   op, put flame suit on..   Forums Archive Wasteland iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Opinions on advice from an Apple Genius?

i'm visiting montreal weekend , decided take macbook pro (early 2009) apple store, has been in need of repairs quite while. laptop has had several issues on course of life. it's no longer main computer, still used regularly. 1 of issues laptop has random appearance of black flicker on display. mentioned, happens randomly - laptop go week without flicker , have 8 within ten minutes. when occur, annoying. youtube video of flicker: many others seem have problem , seems affect integrated graphics card. when visited apple store today , explained issue, reply received approximately... "yes, know that's issue. hoped solved 10.6.3, didn't fix it. it's integrated chip has issue, you'll have use dedicated graphics card." guy polite , nice, solution issue kinda floored me. paid several thousands of dollars machine , has graphics card doesn't work way should.

HELP with page dots...

for reason page dots off center. know how dat happened?   attached files: img_0118.png file size: 925.4 kb views: 119 i think centered, don't have spotlight page dot   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

6870 and Early 2009 Mac Pro

so have 6870 working, of course steam games won't work it. searched around netkas site , found this thing says "macpro users – not work, macpro bios of 6870 need embeded info.plist of aty_init." , have not been able find tells me how that. know how info.plist, instructions vague don't know there. can please me out , let me know, or point me tells me, precisely need steam running on machine?   ioreg -l -w0 | grep bin_image > binimage.txt run in terminal pm me text i'll make injector u   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications

Ssd setup

so i'm looking @ buying new mbp , purchase ssd , put hdd in optibay. question how go installing os , apps on ssd while files written hdd. need install windows on ssd , use parallels. best way go this?   hypertc13 said: ↑ so i'm looking @ buying new mbp , purchase ssd , put hdd in optibay. question how go installing os , apps on ssd while files written hdd. need install windows on ssd , use parallels. best way go this? click expand... this how it. clone osx install ssd (which in enclosure) pop ssd in mac it's disc drive install bootcamp install optical bay set ssd in main slot , hdd in caddy. move lot of home folder hdd using symbolic links, saw tutorial somewhere, can't find it. feel free correct process, have yet (my ssd arrives tuesday) thanks!   Forums

Why is Gmail not pushed to iPhone?

hi all excuse ignorance don't understand why gmail doesn't pushed iphone. in settings have fetch new data set push, yet mail arrives every 15 minutes (which fetch setting set too). have wp7 phone too, , gmail pushed that. however, can't see difference in how account setup on either phone don't understand why works on 1 not other. has got simple explanation this? many thanks m.   you need set gmail microsoft exchange email account push properly. drawback cannot search servers old emails. prefer having emails sent iphone instantaneously, have gmail set exchange , have safari bookmark if ever need search email.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS &

A (guessing easy) quicksilver question

can't believe can't figure out myself but... how set shortcuts files/folders etc. e.g. want set file 'biglongfilename.png' have shortcut 'b1' quicksilver find if search 'b1'. preempt couple answers, don't want change file names, , i'm not talking using hotkeys open things. guys.   have tried setting triggers in preferences menu? can set hotkeys etc. thing along lines know of within quiksilver   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Time Machine and quick books

i have been trying dad mac @ company. asked me find way files quickbooks, invoices , such, hard drive. , when tried use time machine had no idea doing. tried going apple store of course none of workers of "ummm..well see..ummm.." possible use regular hard drive works fine hp on mac using time machine. or there way backup files on quickbooks. mac reaally complicated me. reeaaallllyyyyy need help. please.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

imac 27" won't detect samsung syncmaster dvi

so other day got mini display dvi adapter connect samsung syncmaster t260hd to. isn't working. system pref. won't detect monitor. , 5 sec after turning monitor on... goes black screen... if computer putting there. monitor have error if there no signal. have gotten adapter see if 1 faulty still doesn't work. have restarted computer , checked connections. thing can think of dvi cable isn't correct one. after looking @ dvi diagram found out dvi cable single link. issue? i've asked people , said shouldn't. please me!   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

ARD Port Forwarding

hey guys having small issue ard port forwarding remote access outside of home network... have set imac can access via ard outside of network. using linksys befsx41 router. accessing 1 computer alone no problem @ all. thing is, have 3 other macs able access on same network. need set individual port forwarding (3283, 5900, & 5988) 3 computers? 9 separate port forwarding lines must entered using same ports forwarded 3 different ip addresses. router has ten lines can enter port forwarding data in to. have other windows computers need accessed remotely too. there easier way of doing this? forwarding on same ports different ip addresses cause issues? additionally, there way wake computer sleeping remotely too? having call roommate move mouse wake computer can log on otherwise unavailable. travel lot leaving computer on weeks @ time i'm trying avoid. thank you!   dasnico

Video editing freeware?

hello, first post , i've searched 2 hours on forum see if had asked i'm to. answer came out negative, if repeated, i'm terribly sorry. ok, in need of decent software edit videos. know imovie integrated on os dislike problem , need bit more options edit audio of video. timelines thing (l). anyways, know final cut , premiere, i've used both, unfortunately, cannot afford of them. i'm looking freeware preferably or cheap, has timeline , basic options, easier interface imovie. i've looked around of them linux. appreciated!   which imovie using? imovie11 has timeline, , has audio editing now.   Forums Special Interests Digital Video iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Des

Purchased Music listed as "Not on this iPhone" is on the iPhone

so purchased listing showing in itunes , app store i'm noticing glitches (running 4.3.3). few apps installed showing not installed in purchase history. , music on iphone still listed under not on iphone in purchase history. wife's iphone doing same thing, 1 else noticing this???   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Dropping/banging devices

can dropping or banging devices such ipods ipads or iphones damage components inside? if doesn't break can damage them enough makes processor slower or memory slower or have you? guys sent ipad 2 using tapatalk   yes, can damage them, won’t cause processor or memory slower.   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Bootcamp or Parallels?????

hi - thinking of buying mbp school, , hoping use 1 note. thats windows based application running. advisable me parallels or bootcamp? have buy windows 7 , microsoft office windows? if so, how run? in advance.   trudat15 said: ↑ hi - thinking of buying mbp school, , hoping use 1 note. thats windows based application running. advisable me parallels or bootcamp? have buy windows 7 , microsoft office windows? if so, how run? in advance. click expand... they're different products, in either case you'll need purchase copy of windows 7. bootcamp free preloaded while parallels believe $80. if you're running onenote parallels it's not intensive. if plan on running games, bootcamp way go.   Forums Macs Windows

When your iPad is not in use

hey guys got ipad 2 here wondering if battery life expect. know it's 10hrs see myself charging every night because can't last 8hrs + day ahead. use 30mins each time, no games. when guys not using it, keep wifi + 3g running or close connections? have standby timings if charged ipad 2 standby till got flat? how long can ipad standby wifi , no wifi? guys   sbojevets said: ↑ hey guys got ipad 2 here wondering if battery life expect. know it's 10hrs see myself charging every night because can't last 8hrs + day ahead. use 30mins each time, no games. when guys not using it, keep wifi + 3g running or close connections? have standby timings if charged ipad 2 standby till got flat? how long can ipad standby wifi , no wifi? guys click expand... not scientific study, use mine daily commute (from 40 minutes hour, each way) , throu

Videos to iPad: Handbrake settings?

want load ipad videos. i'll using hb convert formats. question is, in hb settings, there difference between universal , ipad in presets? i've been using universal setting burn dvds no problem. want videos on ipad. universal setting work or should change ipad?   the universal preset work without problems ipad preset more tuned ipad's screen size , capabilities you'll end out better looking videos using ipad preset in cases.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Graphics Comparisons

let's same game trying play has recommended requirement of nvidia fx 5700 series card - how compare 320m? there kind of table or ranks different set of cards/chips nvidia offers? browsed web , came nothing. thanks.   what game trying run? it's easier reviews/benchmarks of gpu itself. specs of gpu on top of article, while average fps of variety of games on bottom of page. check out. hope helps.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

how to tell if 3GS is unlocked?

i have 3gs bought unlocked 6.15.00 bb. did restore on phone , had re-jailbreak it. still has 4.2.1 6.15.00 before sell want know if still unlocked? jailbroke redsnow, , have at&t , no need 6.15.00 3gs since have 3gs thats jb 4.3.3. appreciated   reminis said: ↑ i have 3gs bought unlocked 6.15.00 bb. did restore on phone , had re-jailbreak it. still has 4.2.1 6.15.00 before sell want know if still unlocked? jailbroke redsnow, , have at&t , no need 6.15.00 3gs since have 3gs thats jb 4.3.3. appreciated click expand... almost positive have restore using custom firmware when on ipad baseband. did not that?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS &

Core 2/i5/i7 EXTREME CPU tweaks!!!

doing graphical intensive task throttle cpu because of apple approach of balancing gpu , cpu load efficiency. can block efficiency downloading program called throttlestop. boot camp users. interesting read author of throttlestop: hd 6750m users: may drain battery power on a/c because power adapter cannot supply more 85 watt. maxing out if using internal lcd. recommended use external monitor (and disabling internal lcd). undervolting gpu recommended, here excellent guide: download: faq: overclocking? no, if concerned of overheating or burning out turbo multiplier / throttlestop, please read these 2 posting, , ,

At&T HSDPA+ = 4G in their eyes

what chances consider ip5 4g device if not lte, tried out atrix , got 4 texts att daily needed upgrade eligible 4g data plan blah blah blah, on unlimited iphone data plan. make necessary have 4g tiered plan when going iphone 5?   cosworth said: ↑ what chances consider ip5 4g device if not lte, tried out atrix , got 4 texts att daily needed upgrade eligible 4g data plan blah blah blah, on unlimited iphone data plan. make necessary have 4g tiered plan when going iphone 5? click expand... we dont know yet kind of plans put out or if force switch. think hspa+ considered 4g.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Appl

Fastest SSD?

i want small ssd use boot drive , looking @ getting fastest possible using pci-e ssd in mac? how looking @ drive on 500 mb/s read & write ? work in os x? these support support windows/solaris can buy pci-e ssds work in os x? support trim?   you didn't mention if had mac pro since mac has ability install pci-e cards thought worth mentioning. because card fit not mean work.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How do you crack your eggs for cooking?

as stated above. aside, have of late been cracking them on flat counter. read on www doing causes less problems shells. struth.   bowl corner. wife 1 handed.   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

High CPU usage while in screensaver?

is me or screensaver uses ridiculous amount of cpu power? realised after leaving laptop after few minutes, came , realised fan spinning full blast , cpu temperature @ 82c! screensavers power hungry?   some screen savers use lots of cpu. screensaver it?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Problem with magsafe, stops charging when I move the MBP

hi everyone, i've had mbp approximately 5 months , absolutely love it, , working fine until yesterday when magsafe adapter stopped working, disconnected outlet , connected again, , after approximately 10 minutes started working again, connector gets extremely hot when charging. took mbp , magsafe genius bar today, , tested , worked ok, ran diagnosis tool battery , charger , said fine too, returned home, connected again , started charging until moved few inches mbp (i didn't touch cable or disconnected it) , stopped working again. think has sort of bad contact problem, i'm afraid if take geniusbar again they'll it's working , wouldn't want change it. has of had similar problem? thank , i'm sorry lengthy post   tell them have overheating , think it's loose connection. have applecare? if so, think should replace free. if not, tell them you're worried burns , do

UIImageView vs. Image

i wondering whether might able point me in right direction or provide me ideas on how approach problem. relationship between dimensions , coordinates of uiimageview , image user captures. example, if draw rectangle around physical object user sees on uiimageview using users rear camera, , let's assume user takes photo, how x,y coordinates , dimensions of rectangle compare actual image taken. possible replicate exact dimensions , coordinates of rectangle drawn on uiimageview on actual image taken phone? apologize in advance if sounds confusing.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Programming iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 5 Email Address

hi guys, there here kind enough create me email address there ios 5 beta, once done make small donation paypal account if provide me details.   owenmeasures said: ↑ hi guys, there here kind enough create me email address there ios 5 beta, once done make small donation paypal account if provide me details. click expand... it's unlikely since links itunes account. create 1 when install ios5 on device in order sync icloud. other use looking for?   Forums Archive Wasteland iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Pls how can I downgrade to snow leopard from lion?

hey guys. bought lion , upgraded app store day after released. lot of features , use lot missing or different , go snow leopard. didn't have time machine prior upgrading do. there way of reinstalling sl without losing of files , applications? can reload snow leopard cd came mbp. btw, i'm using i5 mbp 2010. pls assistance appreciated.   try using dvd came mbp. think you'll have boot , use disk utilities erase hd. install snow leopard. restore time machine or manually drag files onto computer. suppose there's chance of files won't work on snow leopard they've been modified on lion if that's case can upgrade lion again. lot of trouble nothing expect backed files work fine in sl.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions

Experience with Cocoon Products?

i'm first-timer (bought 13" air) , in market bag. i've been looking around , found neat things cocoon. bag in particular seems check of boxes me (checkpoint friendly, separate slots macbook , ipad, decent storage, rugged design), 1 real question have pouch macbook. basically, i'm wondering how padded , how room has. bags designed thickness of pro models. don't want air flopping around in there. have experience cocoon products?   just in case interested, able purchase bag in question , ended doing video review:   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Wat

11" and i7 or 256?

hi guys, 1 think better choice 11"? cant afford both. buying external hard drive in future anyway. possibly thunderbolt. 1.8ghz dual-core intel core i7 [+ 137,76 eur] or 256gb flash storage [+ 275,52 eur ]   unless cpu intensive, go ssd. it's unlikely notice difference between cpus ssd difference.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Mid 2009 macbook trackpad

all wanna know if macbook mid 2009 5,2 capable of osx lion gestures?   edit - if it's non-unibody may not support of them   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Does 10.7 segregate PPC apps?

does 10.7 move ppc apps separate folder or keeps there are. have few ppc stragglers , easy if did toss them out in on click vs. hunting , pecking them.   chupa chupa said: ↑ does 10.7 move ppc apps separate folder or keeps there are. have few ppc stragglers , easy if did toss them out in on click vs. hunting , pecking them. click expand... i don't think does, did not have any. won't run them, leave them are.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wi

Finder Icon- No Color

i don't want whole macbook bleak itunes... there anyway them of sl while using lion? not impressed far. irritates me how feel i'm on iphone or ipad. os... not ios!   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

anyone got 2010 13", thinking going 2011 11"?

jus wondering...   jayo123456 said: ↑ jus wondering... click expand... other way actually. 11 way small see.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Buying a 2008 MBP

my 2008 dell m1330 piece of crap. on heats dvd burner doesn't work , resale value $150. parents bought me when started college @ least grand. know...should've bought mac. wish afford brand new mbp i'd saving long time considering salary doesn't allow me buy $2000 mbp. thinking buying 2008 15inch mbp ebay since can afford it. 4 year old mbp still have enough life in last me few years? using surfing web, word processing, , heavy photo editing. or should save year new mbp? known issues 2008 early/late mac book pros? price model? need advice since i'm new mac. much.   i have 2008 mbp still runs day took out of box, on 3 years ago. i'm using 14+ hours day, every day. i've never had problem @ all. haven't replaced because there's no need to. new models don't offer need mbp doesn't well. long 1 has been cared for, should pleased it.