Looking For Tutorials

a little me before questions come out:

i'm 40 years old , decided programming mac. have xcode 3.something installed on imac (the version got imac discs), , should let know got mac 4 months ago when had enough of windows machine.

i'm competent programmer start with. vb second language me, had course in c++ 14 years ago in college , had learn java on fly in first job after college. , it's been years since i've touched either one. , considering refuse use dual boot on imac, have decided pick objective c/cocoa/xcode , expand horizons. have couple of ideas stuff i'd try , write, need learn how first.


have several books on order, i'm getting itchy , want started. i'm looking tutorials on specific topics in objective c and/or cocoa jump-start learning. went through tutorial included xcode documentation on dvd, , helped brain semi-c-like state, , can follow happened , why.

i'm not talking basic tutorials loops or function calls. specifically, tutorials objective c i'm looking include:

1. singletons. have read way create , use global variables, , of programs want try , write rely on global variables. if #define works better singletons, tutorial on nice.

2. file i/o. i'd able read , write files, files delimited commas or pipe ("|") characters.

3. database access. know data model containers in xcode, i've read (and haven't read whole lot on these) appear take in data user while program running instead of accessing external database file. personally, i'd prefer use file i/o, i'd knowledge of how well.

i've searched internet, , can't seem find on these topics in tutorial format other "here's did , works, copy , paste code". don't want because i'll never learn why works, , won't able alter own purposes.

i'd find tutorials on interface builder and/or xcode i'm used visual studio (read: vb), , design aspect quite different i'm used to.

can wait books have on order if necessary, figured @ least give shot see if has tutorial suggestions me.

in advance advice can give me!

there's no particular reason not use global variables in cocoa or objective-c. is, reasons same reasons other language. did read it's otherwise? please specific; post url or name book.

info on singleton pattern in cocoa can found google search terms:
cocoa singleton

1 such reference:
cocoa fundamentals guide : cocoa design patterns : singleton

singleton isn't global. nor globals singletons. if don't know general singleton pattern is, see wikipedia:

no problem. free use c's stdio library.

there many cocoa functions work files, such nsfilemanager, nsfilehandle, etc. see foundation framework:

, many other classes have methods let write , load instances files. example, see nsdictionary , nsarray writetofile: has corresponding method reads file.

do mean "text files contents delimited commas or pipe"
or mean pipes in shell?

in c, use 1 of scanf() functions parsing comma-delimited files. in cocoa might use nsscanner.

sqlite automatically provided. mean?

there's object wrapper sqlite, called fmdb. google it.

don't know mean "take in data user". data put in database you. quite build sqlite database tables held data gathered watching network traffic, monitoring temperature sensor, or recording cpu usage on period of time. run on mac mini running server, no user logged in.

you'll have point specific cases. question general answer.


also, bookmark following:

on last of above urls, you'll see "getting started" box. should read links contained there.

rules of thumb:
1. specific.
2. post code.
3. describe expected happen.
4. describe happened.

, prepared answer question "what have tried?". when doing so, follow 4 rules of thumb.

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