OS X Lion things that bug me...

i downloaded lion. excited i'd seen videos , keynote , everything.

i'm disappointed in though i'm using it. first thing noticed scrolling wrong way. no matter touch screens still trackpad never going work. googled , found how turn other way.

next thing did exposé. found exposé wasn't set before. i've been through of settings , realised trying make close snow leopard possibly could. main thing keeps bothering me can't exit exposé doing same gesture activate it. seems silly gesture can not used else , must have removed functionality not thinking of do...

huge drawback me (as partially sighted) zoom function doesn't work within launchpad. launchpad 1 of main reasons upgraded , can't use it.

thing... spaces... feature i've never ever used. however, has barged in , replaced function use every single day... app switcher. whereas had swipe 4 fingers left or right bring app switcher, annoying empty desktop. have perform command - tab app switcher. don't know uses spaces. guess they've brought forefront show off new full screen apps idea don't imagine using never settled on 1 app @ time. unless i'm using fcp , nice able see dock lets me know still @ least , can out time want. in strange way these full screen apps make me feel enclosed.

doubt of these problems fixed pretty niche audience fall into. anyway i'd love know thoughts on this.

i'm using "natural" scrolling on trackpad of mbp , love it. started using scroll reverser while running sl few months ago , adapted within few days. me, makes more sense , find lot easier. struggle use other people's computers not have set up, , have no desire revert old way of scrolling.

other points..i don't have best eyesight , have 13" screen can see of icons on launchpad fine.

also, huge user of spaces in sl, i've adapted mission control , it's no more difficult or less user friendly spaces of sl.

overall i'm happy lion, don't have noticeable bugs (that i've found yet) , hasn't hampered usability whatsoever.

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