iPhone Multi-Touch Trackpad App?

bit of long shot seeing it's not been out long, there's every chance developers have been using app alongside previous lion releases etc.

know of app allows use iphone or ipad's screen lion's new multi-touch gestures? can guess i'm using 2008 black macbook , therefore don't have unibody trackpad need lion, don't see why should need pay out 50 quid use features i've technically paid for... there logic in there somewhere trust me :d


p.s. don't know if jailbroken apps can discussed on forum, given allowed jailbreak etc now, if allowed cydia apps worthwhile suggestions thanks.

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (ipod; cpu iphone os 5_0 mac os x) applewebkit/534.46 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/9a5248d safari/6533.18.5)

used touchpad on ipod multitouch in snow leopard. gestures worked perfectly. uses vnc connect macbook.
vnc buggy on lion won't connect mac won't work(yet).

touchpad in app store

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