Getting tired of waiting

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5)

i've been waiting new model of iphone come out. original rumors going bit faster better camera... figured much...

yet keep waiting, if it's slightest upgrade iphone4. because it's been year since it's release.

however, it's gotten point where, minor hardware upgrade lacking in comparison opposition... bigger screen , operating system smoothness comparable applications around us...

2 things: if apple doesn't make bohr physical change next phone think in serious issues.
two: of there great phones, do?

1. doesn't matter apple next iphone. wether it's overhaul (doubt it) or spec bump, people buy anyway. apple certinetly won't in trouble.

2. iphone 4 still great device. if content features has , won't disappointed when new 1 comes out in sept a5 , better camera, buy now.

far os fluidity goes, if comparing android, ios still leagues ahead.

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