Macbook Pro Repair Experiences?

so have send in brand new macbook pro got not long ago. asked on phone if have replacement since these issues happened within less month , want replacement wanted 2000 dollar flawless computer paid for.

anyways applecare supervisor dude said can mail in repair though im in canada (which dont offer better nothing)

dont have apple store nearby thats why had resort phone. closest 1 3 hours away, , dunnno if worth th 60 dollar round trip train ride there see if have better luck on phone.

anyways guys experiences repairs macbook pros , sending them away?

im concerned macbook pro come out worse send in. example, repair guys careful handling computers?

ohh , heres issues:

hinge clicking , dust under screen. when mean clicking, everytime u open close lid makes clicking/crackling sound not good.

last thing when first opened macbook pro , unpackaged , noticed scruff marks on right side of top lid. unnoticable little dissapointed cosmectically damaged.

there not huge issues know, but, 2 grand, should have been flawless :(

guys think?

anyone have experience mailing in there macbooks repair? lol

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