The ethics of selling a PPC Mac

i popped local secondhand/thrift store on way home, spotted old imac g3 through window. shocked discover asking $149 it!

add insult injury, it's particularly dated machine, g3 standards! it's original bondi-blue "rev. b" version, 96mb ram, 6gb hd , os 8.6 installed. wasn't in particularly great condition, machine carry such price tag in 2011 unconscionable.

noticed had emac too, $249 (that g4 chip , 17" must worth 100 bucks, eh?) can't remember exact specs one, regardless, it's still ridiculous asking price.

or me? admittedly, haven't been keeping check on used powerpc market lately, prices seem awfully high antique hardware, when i've seen more recent g4, , g5, towers advertised not whole lot more.

it's totally wrong of seller selling these machines @ price, of responsibility has lie buyer too, in researching purchase beforehand , knowing they're getting.... still, can't feel bad looking second computer, or first computer elderly relative, spring "deal" that, , left sorely disappointed @ inadequacy.

oh well. has else noticed crazy-price powerpc macs lately?

i've seen g3 imacs go $200 @ local thrift place. fun thing, organization's citywide "computer" place take computers fixing , selling. had shelves of them. colours , ages. had 450mhz cube going $500, no screen or speakers. offered them $10 g3 imac, laughed @ me. laughed saying, "you'll never sell those." , walked out.

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