creating my own reusable classes

i come as3 background there classpath can put own classes. i'm starting out xcode 4, objective c, etc.

example have "utils" class, "numbers" class, etc. use them in as3 projects frequent stuff. create static methods (as in class methods) don't have create instance numbers.convertradtodeg(34)

afaik in objc [numbers convertradtodeg:34]

¿so how approach in objective c?
¿is there folder can put classes?
¿do have create own framework?
¿is idea use class methods in objective c?


u create classmethod called numbers, import in every other class, , [numbers convertradtodeg:34]; if has method ofcourse, , if has parameters.
folder? create group in xcode proj. right click, new group, tadaa, put em in there. if want them in seperate group in tree structure (in finder). add new group, , give new path via (more options) on .. well, in xcode 3.2.5, havent used in 4.0.x

can create own framework, not alot of people (i tend believe..)
, sure, why not use class methods? cleans code bunch. , makes easier navigate through code.

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