Wi-Fi Drama.

ok, have verizon modem or whatever, have netgear internet thing. desperately trying make 1 of things wireless can have internet on macbook pro. right now, i'm using chord connect verizon thing mbp. please please please me. please.

follow instructions come modem/router?

mine setup this, they're bit different.

cable screws wall , modem (the actual internet connection), power cord (goes in outlet)
ethernet cable (this can plugged computer wired internet)

router has power cord plugs power outlet.

basically, separate power cord modem , router, screw-in cable router wall, , ethernet cable connecting router , modem. 4 things total.

yours might need set differently, best thing can try find instructions, or google exact model.

after this, there should bunch of blinking/non-blinking lights on both router , modem. wait few seconds try connect wifi mac.

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