2010 MBP screen shutting off/going blank to one color

hi everyone-

please excuse me because i'm not super tech savvy.

bought macbook pro in nov 2009 , had no problems it. amazing computer. accidentally spilled tea nov 2010. unsalvageable. had black tie protection @ best buy , got brand new mbp.

shortly after started having weird issues monitor. i've tried seems issues having external display, i'm not using.

has had or know of issues with:
- screen going blank
- screen turning gray, pink, solid color

have hold power button make restart in order anywhere. screen goes blank, can't anything.

i've had sporadic issues with:
- crashing - mouse/trackpad unresponsive, have restart

- body burning on side closer top of keyboard (not lower side near trackpad)
- power cord burning when it's plugged extension cord , not directly wall

if has input on this, please let me know. had no issues original mbp bought. 1 brand new , has had issues on , off. use work i'd rather try troubleshoot instead of taking in.

there should know maxing out cpu usage or overheating making monitor shut off?

use laptop brightness near or way since it's hard me see otherwise, lately i've tried turn down light keyboard or turn off see if helps.

other info:
13" aluminum
using osx 10.6.7
2.4 ghz intel core 2 duo
4gb 1067 mhz ddr3


getting hot normal. don't put on lap. can 1 of fan mats plug usb port best buy offers.

seem recall seeing there software updates and/or firmware updates discolored video issue you're describing. have run software update?

if have, , it's under warranty, take in. can't replace logic board under warranty.

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